Fall 2024 Faculty Information
Operational Support
We aim to ensure that all technology just works, but we do realize you may need assistance from time to time. We offer IT support Monday to Thursday 8:00am to 8:00pm, Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm.
IT Service Desk Jira Portal: https://lambtoncollege.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals
You can search for Self Help articles directly in the Search Field
Click IT Service Desk, depending on your request there are different forms to provide additional details
Email IT Service Desk: help@lambtoncollege.ca
Phone IT Service Desk: 226-776-3096
If an urgent issue impacting classes, dial 1 after calling the IT Service Desk
Room B1-161
For any IT issues being experienced, please reach out to us so we can resolve the issue and limit potentially larger issues if trends develop.
Infrastructure Updates
Core infrastructure updates occurred this summer as we prepared for Fall 2024 Startup. Key updates:
Four (4) new computer labs brought online in B0-153, B0-155, B0-157, and B0-159 that replaced the B1 Computer Labs. All four (4) rooms have fifty (50) student stations, and full multimedia.
Wireless access points upgraded to the newest technology in areas around the College.
Multimedia upgrades occurred for eight (8) classrooms on campus with a refresh to continue to standardize technology used in the classroom.
Microsoft Software
Lambton College heavily utilizes our existing Microsoft Campus Agreement. This includes Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft OneDrive. These applications are installed on all College devices.
Did you read about AI this summer and are interested in trying it out? College employees also have access to Microsoft’s version of AI available via http://copilot.microsoft.com and sign in is with your College account.
In addition, College employees have access to Microsoft 365 Software as part of their employment at Lambton College. Employees can access the web versions of all applications via https://office.com and can install Office on their own devices and login with the College Account (limit of five devices per employee).
Faculty Term Settings
MS Teams Creation
This tool is run near the end of August. All sections will have a Team created for them. To enable you will need to activate the Team.
This does not merge sections like D2L. If you would like to have sections merged in Teams, this can be completed by clicking the 3 dots by the team name, choosing "Manage Team" and then clicking the add button. You can add each student missing with the student’s c0 number which you can get from Self Service.
A service runs at 6:00am each morning to create the Teams. Here are a few key notes you will need to be aware of.
The Team will need to be activated before Students can access it
An Activate button will appear in the top right hand corner when you are on the General Channel
All faculty will be added to the Team that are assigned to the section
Students cannot remove themselves from a Team
If a student is manually removed the service will not re-add them
All Teams created through this service will be archived near the end of the next term
If you delete your Team the tool will not recreate it
Calendar Updates
At the start of each term the your course schedule is imported into outlook for you. There are not steps required to have this complete. To Opt-out please follow these steps:
Login to https://mylambton.ca
Select the Hello Menu
Select My Account
Select Faculty Settings
Check the Opt Out of Faculty Calendar checkbox
Click Save
D2L Course Shells
The course shells for D2L are created one month prior to term start.
Merging courses can be done by request the merge through Jira: D2L Course Merge - IT Service Desk
Once a course is merged it cannot be unmerged.
Employee Purchasing Programs
Lambton College has worked with Rogers to provide a discounted service for personal service for College employees. The hope is that we may be able to lower the monthly bill you or your family may have for your cellphone(s). Rogers is now offering College Employees Government & Public Sector pricing via: Government & Public Sector Rogers Preferred Program (RPP)
As part of this service, support for anyone wishing to take advantage of this is via Dave O'Connor at Beyond Wireless (Rogers Authorized Reseller that supports this program). Email: david.oconnor@beyondwireless.ca
This program is only for personal/home use and all IT orders for College equipment need to come through the IT Department via our Jira Customer Service Portal.
Program Benefits
Extra discount(s) off the lowest advertised price
Access to exclusive sales, events & offers
Dedicated account team to help place orders and escalate support requests if needed
Huge selection of computer equipment, electronics and accessories
Fast and easy financing options (OAC)
Free shipping on all orders
Visit www.dell.ca/mpp/lambtoncollege for your coupon. Use your employee email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for the URL to launch.
Check your email for a coupon and redeem at: www.dell.ca/mpp/lambtoncollege
The coupon can be applied at checkout or by contacting our sales team at Canada_MPP@Dell.com. If you don’t have a company email please contact our sales team above for a manual discount.