How To - Print on Campus

How To - Print on Campus

Each term, all full-time students receive a $15 print credit that goes live when classes begin. This will be available when you login to a printer on campus with your student number and password. The amount resets every term and is not available to students on co-op or break.

To be used when printing from a College Windows device:

Step-by-step guide

  1. When printing from a College Windows device, the PrintRelease queue will automatically be available and should be used.  If you are using a laptop that is not docked, you will need to be connected to the College's wireless network to print.
  2. Ensure you have the proper settings and click on Printer Properties to select additional options.
    Note - If you submit a colour job, be sure to release it from a colour printer.
  3. Once your job has been sent, you can access the device you wish to release the job at by tapping your student/employee card on the attached reader or use the touchscreen to login with your College credentials.

  4. Once you have logged in, you will automatically be taken to your print queue if you have pending jobs.  Not all screens will be the exact same as they vary by model.
  5. From this screen you can select the job(s) you wish to print or delete or you can select Access Device to see other options such as scan or copy if available.
  6. Once printed or deleted, you queue will be empty and you can press the Home button or Access Device button to perform other actions or logout.
  7. There will be buttons on this screen identifying available options on the device or you can touch the button with your ID to logout.
  8. Touch Log Out to completely log out of the machine.  The device will timeout after 30 seconds if nothing is touched to help ensure your account isn't used by the next person.
  9. Confirm Log Out by touching Log Out one more time.

Papercut advertises the PrintRelease queue on the lambtonwireless network


For any further issues or assistance, please reach out to IT Service Desk (B1-161) via below methods:

Phone: 226-776-3096

Email: itservicedesk@lambtoncollege.ca 

Jira Portal: https://lambtoncollege.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/9