Trouble Accessing Desire2Learn (D2L)

Trouble Accessing Desire2Learn (D2L)

If you are missing a course in D2L, there could be a few reasons why.

Partnered Campuses

Students registered at Cestar (Toronto) or Queen (Mississauga) campus don't get access to D2L but rather have access to Moodle system provided by respective campuses.

Newly Registered

  • Did you just register or add the course? It can take up to 48 hours for a course to be added to D2L.


  • This problem is most common at the start of a term. If instructors have not activated the course, it will not show up in D2L. Just give your instructor some time to set up the course. But don't worry - your classmates can't see the course either.

Online Students

  • Are you taking a course with a section 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 or 75?This is an online course through OntarioLearn, Make sure you have a look at the Online Education section and review Logging In instructions.

Can't Access D2L Mail

  • If you can't access your D2L mail, check that you don't have a quiz open. When a quiz opens, D2L won't let you access your mail as a cheating prevention tool.
  • Click on the mail icon in D2L and it will tell you what quiz you have opened and allow you to submit it. Once the quiz is submitted, your email will be accessible again.


For any further issues or assistance, please reach out to IT Service Desk (B1-161)

Phone: 226-776-3096

Email: help@lambtoncollege.ca 

Jira Portal: https://lambtoncollege.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/9

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