Microsoft Teams - Messaging Helpful Tips

Microsoft Teams - Messaging Helpful Tips

If you would like to post a message into a Teams Channel here are some of the tips to ensure you are reaching as much of your audience as possible.

Make it an Announcement

By making your message an announcement you are given the option of adding an image and a headline title. Here are the steps:

  • Click the New Conversation Button

  • Click the A with the pencil beside it in the lower left-hand corner of the message

  • Click the New Conversation option dropdown

  • Select the Announcement option

You will now have the option to add a headline and image.

To add a headline, type over the Type a headline text.

If you would like to add a background image for your message, click on the image button in the lower right-hand corner.

You can select from a preexisting illustration or upload your own image.

Alerting Users

The next step is alerting everyone in the channel of the announcement. This can be done by using the @ symbol and the name of the channel or Team. This will change the Team and Channel for all members of that channel.

For example, in the Academic and Student Success channel, you would use one of these:

@Academic and Student Success

If you were making an announcement in the Lambton College General channel, you would use:
