Ottawa - Connecting to eduroam Wireless - Students

Ottawa - Connecting to eduroam Wireless - Students

The eduroam service allows Lambton College students in Ottawa, to securely access college and internet resources via the "eduroam" wireless network offered at the Saint Paul University Main St campus.

To connect to this network, student users will require their individual c0# as username (in the form of c0xxxxxx@mylambton.ca) and associated password.

On a personal device, connect to the network/SSID "eduroam" while in a wireless-supported region of the SPU Main St campus. Deselect the "Connect Automatically" option, if you prefer to manually enter your credentials each use. Then click "Connect";

If you receive a connection error stating "Can't connect to this network", then click "Close" to the error, and then right-click the SSID and then select "Forget";

Try connecting again to "eduroam" and enter the configured c0# and password you set previously. Remember to use the format c0xxxxx@mylambton.ca. If you do not, the service will NOT authenticate! Click "OK";

Click "Connect";

You are now able to access online resources via wireless, using EduRoam!

Android devices troubleshooting

If you have an Android device and the previous setting wasn't successfully connected to eduroam, you can try the following. This was tested on an Android device model Pixel 7:

EAP method: PEAP
Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
CA certificate: Use system certificates
Minimum TLS version: TLS v1.0
Online Certificate Status: Do not verify
Domain: mylambton.ca
Identity: c0123456@mylambton.ca
Anonymous identity: blank
Password: User's password


If you are experiencing issues connecting to the "eduroam" wireless network, follow the following steps to install the appropriate certificate on your desktop or laptop.

With each device on which access is required, open a web browser and point it to the following URL;


In the "Select User Group" option menu, select "LC Ottawa Students (mylambton.ca)", and then click the large "eduroam" button below it;

Open/run the downloaded file. You will be led through a few simple screens to configure user credentials and accept the authentication certificate. First, select "Next";

Click OK, acknowledging the use of this service for authorized and configured LC users;

Select "Install" after entering the unique student c0# (remember to use the format c0xxxxx@mylambton.caand password (twice) into the appropriate fields. 

Click "Finish" once the configuration process ends;