Setting Up & Connecting To GlobalProtect Mobile VPN

Enjoy secure browsing and access to College resources on your mobile device by utilizing the GlobalProtect VPN mobile app.


Using the GlobalProtect VPN connection will route your internet traffic/activity through Lambton College networks and computer resources. Before continuing, please ensure you have read and adhere to the Use of Information Technology Resources Policy at the following link:


This software will not work when connected to any Lambton College wireless network. You must use cellular data or connect to an external wireless network to use GlobalProtect VPN.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open the app store for your device. 

  2. Search for and download the "GlobalProtect" App

  3. Open the app. You'll be prompted to enter the portal address. Enter "" and tap "Connect".

  4. You'll receive a prompt to allow adding of VPN connections. Tap "Allow". You may be prompted for your passcode/Touch IT to authenticate. 

  5. You'll be prompted to sign in. Enter your c0 number (no and College password.

  6. You'll receive a notification that internet traffic may be monitored. Tap "OK" to continue. Success! You should now be connected to the GlobalProtect VPN. Tap the green shield icon in the center of the screen to disconnect.