Kincheloe, J. L. (2005). On to the Next Level: Continuing the Conceptualization of the Bricolage. Qualitative Inquiry, 11(3), 323-350.
Contextual Adaptability
Bricolage involves employing methodological strategies as needed in the unfolding research context.
This interdisciplinary approach is central to the concept of bricolage.
Beyond Interdisciplinarity
Qualitative researchers should push beyond dynamic interdisciplinarity.
This approach raises issues that need to be addressed for theoretical coherence and epistemological innovation.
Research Self-Consciousness
Multidisciplinarity demands heightened self-awareness in researchers.
Researchers must expose structures influencing their narratives and understand their social location.
Complexity and Lived World
Bricolage respects the complexity of the lived world, grounded in an epistemology of complexity.
Research is influenced by social theory, which frames observations consciously or unconsciously.
Active Methodology
Bricoleurs actively construct research methods rather than passively receiving them.
This process involves constructing and reconstructing methods, negotiation, and readjustment.
Rejecting Standardization
The approach resists standardized modes of knowledge production.
It embraces complexity and the active role of humans in shaping research processes.
Against Monological Knowledge
Bricolage avoids reductionistic and monological forms of knowledge.
It seeks to move beyond unilateral perspectives and simplistic resolutions.
Dialectical Relationship
Knowledge production involves a complex relationship between material reality and human perception.
Researchers must acknowledge multiple factors shaping perception and avoid mistaking perception for truth.
Multiple Perspectives
Bricoleurs seek multiple perspectives to avoid monological knowledge and simplistic interpretations.
Ontological and Epistemological Assumptions
The bricolage recognizes the interplay of various entities and the ever-changing nature of reality.
It demands multiple ways of seeing and understanding phenomena.
Challenging Universalism
Contextual specificities interfere with the ability to generalize findings universally.
The approach respects and accounts for diverse conceptualizations across different social settings.
Polysemy and Interpretation
Interpretation is complex, with different meanings for different contexts.
Research is more complex than it appears due to varied interpretations.
Process-Oriented Knowledge
Bricoleurs focus on processes rather than isolated entities.
Understanding phenomena involves comprehending the processes they are part of.
Relational Ontology
The self is less stable and essentialized; relationships and connections are central.
Culture is intertwined with the self, influencing identity and research.
Intersecting Contexts
Knowledge must be contextualized, recognizing multiple intersecting fields.
Contextualization reveals new dimensions of phenomena, avoiding reductionism.
Multiple Epistemologies
Diverse epistemologies arise from different historical and cultural locales.
Bricoleurs seek insights from various epistemologies, asking new questions about knowledge.
Research narratives are connected to other narratives and historical contexts.
Researchers must understand intertextual influences on their work.
Discursive Construction
Knowledge is shaped by discursive rules and practices, influenced by power dynamics.
Bricoleurs uncover these hidden rules to understand their impact on research narratives.
Interpretive Nature of Knowledge
All knowledge production involves interpretation; facts do not speak for themselves.
Researchers are interpreters, analyzing the world within its boundaries and biases.
Fictive Dimensions
Research narratives contain fictive elements influenced by various factors.
Bricoleurs acknowledge these elements to avoid naïve representations.
Cultural Assumptions
Research methods are shaped by historical and cultural contexts.
Researchers must be aware of these assumptions to produce more complex knowledge.
Power and Knowledge
Power shapes research by censoring and producing knowledge.
Researchers must trace the influence of power in research norms and practices.
Structural Analysis
Social structures are viewed as contextually specific and mutable.
Researchers use multiple methods to analyze structures from different angles.
Complexity Principle
Knowledge production is more complex than originally thought, necessitating bricolage.
Bricoleurs must develop new ways to understand social, cultural, psychological, and educational life.
Interdisciplinary Inquiry
Significant work in social complexity is occurring across various fields.
The bricolage transcends traditional paradigms, embracing the complexity of knowledge production.
Epistemological and Ontological Maps: Essential for understanding complex research landscapes.
Provide thick description and glimpses of potential realities.
Highlight multidimensional, socially constructed, polyvocal, and ever-changing nature of the social world.
Ontology of Complexity in Bricolage
Complex Ontology: Key to understanding the bricolage approach.
Non-Encapsulated Entity: Objects of inquiry are always part of larger contexts and processes.
Culturally Inscribed and Historically Situated: Objects are influenced by cultural and historical efforts to interpret their meanings.
Process-Sensitivity: Objects are viewed as ever-changing, similar to a flowing river.
No fixed portrait of a social phenomenon due to multiple vantage points of observers.
Reductionistic knowledge results from unawareness of complexity.
Bricoleurs seek to understand the complex social fabric in a thick, detailed manner.
Interconnected Dynamics: Physical, social, cultural, psychological, and educational aspects are interconnected.
Different descriptions based on different focus areas.
Ontology and epistemology are inseparable, shaping the research task.
Dimensions of Bricolage
Methodological Bricolage:
Multiple data-gathering strategies: ethnography, historical research, discursive analysis, phenomenological analysis, psychoanalytical methods, textual analysis.
Theoretical Bricolage:
Wide range of social theoretical positions: constructivism, critical constructivism, feminism, Marxism, postmodernism, poststructuralism, cultural studies, queer theory.
Interpretive Bricolage:
Diverse interpretive strategies: hermeneutics, personal history, autobiography, race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, geographical place.
Political Bricolage:
Political implications of research: power dynamics, ideological power, hegemonic power, discursive power, regulatory power, coercive power.
Narrative Bricolage:
Research knowledge shaped by narratives: comedy, tragedy, irony, and their influence on the representation of research.
Philosophical Research in Bricolage
Philosophical Tools: Clarify inquiry processes and provide insights into conceptual assumptions.
Subjectivity of Researchers: Intersection of researcher "invention" and "discovery".
Complex Boundary: Exploration between the social world and narrative representation.
Ethical, Epistemological, Ontological, and Political Features: Highlighted in the research process.
Conceptual Clarification: Examines the nature of existence, historical subjects, and the impact on research processes.
Constructivism and Historicity in Bricolage
Consciousness of Historicity: Understanding the social construction of knowledge and subjectivity.
Crisis of Historicity: Appreciating the blurred line between historical and historiographical.
Complex Dynamics: Negotiating between constructed and discovered knowledge.
Critical Hermeneutics: Understanding power's role in shaping meaning and research processes.
Power and Meaning: Identification of socially oppressive forms of meaning-making.
Epistemological Analysis in Bricolage
Exploration of Knowledge: Structure and grounds of knowledge claims.
Comparative Epistemological Insights: Understanding different paradigms’ views of knowledge.
Sophisticated Knowledge Work: Informed questioning, complex concepts, alternate modes of reasoning, unprecedented interpretations.
Conceptual and Methodological Flexibility: Depending on the research context and phenomenon.
Philosophical Inquiry in Bricolage: Key Questions
Nature of Being: Examining human subjectivity and the object of study.
Living a Good Life: Contribution of research to the social good.
Knowledge of Worth: Distinguishing valuable research projects.
Nature of Knowledge: Understanding different definitions and paradigms.
Knowing Something: Cognitive theory and epistemology insights.
Worthy Knowledge: Judging research quality and validity.
Rigor in Research: Redefining rigor to recognize and work with complexity.
Philosophical Inquiry Misunderstood: In schools of education, philosophical inquiry is often undervalued.
Excellent scholars have faced criticism from administrators and tenure committees.
Such scholars are often told their work is not "real research," leading to punishment and trauma.
Epistemological Nature of the Attack: Criticism stems from a rigid view of knowledge production.
Research Purity Doctrine: Empirical (scientific) knowledge is valued over philosophical (unscientific) knowledge.
Empirical vs. Philosophical: The separation between empirical and philosophical inquiry is questioned.
Interdisciplinarity and Bricolage
Transgressing Boundaries: Bricolage crosses empirical and philosophical domains.
Bricoleurs see empirical and philosophical features as embedded in each other.
Embraces multiple modes of knowledge production: philosophical, historical, literary.
Hermeneutics in Bricolage
Critical Hermeneutics: Central to interpretation in bricolage.
Focuses on cultural, social, political, and historical nature of research.
Meaning making is influenced by one's position in the social reality web.
Complex Interpretation: Events and phenomena do not imply a single interpretation.
Describing vs. Understanding: Bricoleurs distinguish between these aspects.
Hermeneutics and Power: Dialogue with critical theory to understand power dynamics in meaning making.
Key Interpretive Practices in Bricolage
Connecting Inquiry to Contexts: Objects of inquiry are connected to their embedded contexts.
Researcher-Subject Relationship: Appreciating the dynamic relationship.
Meaning Making and Human Experience: Linking interpretation to human experience.
Textual Forms of Analysis: Using textual analysis while considering human entities.
Bridge to Action: Connecting understanding to informed social action.
Critical Hermeneutics and Power
Power in Social Processes: Critical theory’s focus on power's role in shaping human identities.
Historical Products of Power: Human identities and actions are influenced by historical power dynamics.
Empowering Subjects and Rigorous Analysis
Voice to the Marginalized: Empowering research subjects and giving voice to subjugated groups.
Balance: Highlighting words and interactions of participants while maintaining rigorous interpretation.
Macro and Micro Analysis: Integrating personal experiences with broader social, political, and economic contexts.
Multiperspectivalism in Bricolage
Fusion of Horizons: Juxtaposing divergent ideas to create synergistic interactions.
Metaphors: Jazz musician, quilt maker, pictorial montage.
Simultaneity Over Linearity: Emphasizing multiple representations of reality simultaneously.
Alternative Modes of Meaning Making
Insights from Margins: Learning from non-Western and marginalized perspectives.
Social Change: Insights inform policy decisions and political actions.
Transcending Reductionism: Embracing diverse epistemologies and ontologies for richer understanding.
Identifying Absences
Creativity in Research: Identifying what is absent to imagine new possibilities.
Rigor in Absence: Imagining alternatives, understanding unseen forces, promoting action.
Conclusion: Enhancing Human Possibility
Quality of Knowledge: Bricoleurs seek to improve research quality and human potential.
Epistemological and Ontological Insight: New ways of thinking, teaching, learning.
Divergent Meaning Making: Favoring holistic, inclusive models over prespecified analysis.
Human Drama: Understanding social complexity for a larger historical perspective.
Connecting Research to Experience: Addressing the ontology of human existence in research.