Leblanc, N., Davidson, S. F., Ryu, J. Y., & Irwin, R. L. (2015). Becoming through a/r/tography, autobiography and stories in motion. International Journal of Education Through Art, 11(3), 355–374. https://search-ebscohost-com.libraryservices.yorkvilleu.ca/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=url,cookie,ip,uid&db=ehh&AN=109227258
A/r/tography as Living Inquiry:
Combines life writing with life creating.
Involves artists, researchers, and teachers (A/r/tographers).
Promotes artistic inquiry, memory, identity, autobiography, reflection, meditation, storytelling, and cultural production.
A/r/tographers engage in unstructured and unexpected explorations of their experiences.
A/r/tography Methodologies:
Utilizes diverse methods such as poems, videos, dress creation, piano playing videos.
Dress stories and collage narrative as entry points for autobiography and inquiry.
Disparate fragments create in-between spaces for re-examination and negotiation.
Pedagogical Potentialities:
A/r/tography produces artistic and pedagogical potentialities.
Emphasizes moments of interaction and connection over static entities.
Operates on multiple registers of sensation, promoting a continuity of movement.
Becoming Event:
Relational paradigm invoked by mapping contemplations and imaginings.
Multiplicity of social and collective events.
A/r/tography contributes to knowing oneself and others, involving Mettisage.