Palaganas, E. C., Sanchez, M. C., Molintas, M. P., & Caricativo, R. D. (2017). Reflexivity in qualitative research: A journey of learning. The Qualitative Report, 22(2), 426–438.
Enhancement of Qualitative Research Vigor:
Sample rationale, analyst triangulation, specification of problems, careful representation, use of theory, observation, thick theory, reflexivity, negative case analysis, external audits enhance research vigor.
Fear that reflexivity may be perceived as unprofessional or intrusive.
Concept of Reflexivity:
Analytic attention to the researcher's role in qualitative research.
Concept and process requiring consciousness and self-awareness.
Active involvement in the research process.
Researchers part of the society studied, necessitating consideration of subjectivity.
Dialogue needed, challenging perspectives and assumptions about the social world and the researcher.
Forms of Reflexivity:
Personal reflexivity: How researchers' aspirations, politics, social identity, and beliefs shape research.
Epistemological reflexivity: Reflecting upon theoretical perspectives.
Politics of location: Examining political and social constructions informing research.
Feminist approach: Researching from a feminist experiential standpoint.
Validity and Subjectivity in Qualitative Research:
Validity crucial for rigor in qualitative research.
Personal reflexivity acknowledges the impact on researchers.
Qualitative research inherently subjective, influenced by values, beliefs, etc.
Hermeneutics: Attributing meaning to texts.
Reflexivity questions research assumptions.
Objective vs. Subjective in Research:
Acknowledgment that research cannot be value-free.
Critical reflexivity looks at political and social constructions shaping research.
Power relations inform the research process.
Feminist Reflexivity:
Examines power differentials in various research stages.
Researcher identifies with women, acknowledges values shaping the process.
Emphasizes reciprocity and reflexivity but doesn't necessitate intimacy.
Aims for multiple realities and holistic understanding of human experience.
Reflexivity is a journey of learning and unlearning.
Research is a dialogue that involves conscientization.