

Lahman, M. K. E., Hancock, E., Alhudithi, A., Kincaid, T., Lafferty, M., Patchett, E., Loften, L., & Couch, C. (2019). Renga, Research, Reflexivity: Poetic Representation. Qualitative Inquiry, 25(9–10), 826–829. https://discovery.ebsco.com/linkprocessor/plink?id=10deeab5-0332-3c9f-8ebe-189c3bc4208d

  • Renga poetry: A Japanese form of cooperative linked poetry with specific constraints.

  • Formed poetry: Poetry with constraints like meter, rhyme, and rhythm patterns.

  • Structure of renga: Poets work in groups, alternating writing stanzas, often hundreds long.

  • Contemporary adaptation: Poets may alternate for their own purposes, creating more possibilities.

  • Project description: Poets create poetry around the same topic, reflecting on previous links.

  • Reflective opportunity: Looking back on the poetic links, a stretching exercise for the participants.

  • Emergence of meaning: True meaning of the poem emerges at the end through individual interpretations.

  • Purpose of participation: To be part of a bigger picture, finding direction and following voices of predecessors.