Qualitative Research Proposal:
(Leavy, 2021)
Basic Information:
Clearly states the main topic, method, and design approach.
150-200-word overview including the phenomenon, research purpose, methods, participants, setting, and study significance.
Topic under Investigation:
Describes how the topic was chosen, significance, literature influence, and social/political value.
Literature Review:
Reviews prior qualitative studies, theories, and frameworks related to the topic.
Research Purpose Statement:
Clearly states the main topic, problem, participants, setting, methodology, and primary reason for research.
Research Questions:
1-3 central open-ended questions focusing on exploration, description, or explanation.
Research Plan:
Philosophical Statement:
Discusses the interpretive/constructivist and critical paradigms.
Interpretive/Constructivist Paradigm:
Symbolic interactionism, phenomenology, ethnomethodology, and dramaturgy.
Critical Paradigm:
Postmodernist, poststructuralist, feminist, critical race, indigenous, decolonizing, and queer frameworks.
Genre/Design and Methods of Data Collection:
Field Research (Ethnography), Participatory Observation, Nonparticipatory Observation.
Field Research (Ethnography):
Rich descriptions, cultural understanding, participant engagement, gatekeepers, insider–outsider status.
Field Notes:
On-the-fly notes, thick descriptions, summary notes, reflexivity notes, conversation, and interview notes.
In-depth, semistructured, oral history, biographic minimalist, and focus groups. Consideration of participant rapport.
Self-data, rigorous writing, systematic plan, insider–outsider status, vulnerability, storytelling.
Unobtrusive Methods (Content Analysis):
Systematic investigation of texts, nonliving data, textual, visual, audio, and audiovisual data.
Data Analysis and Interpretation:
In vivo, descriptive, values coding. Using participants' language and thematic coding.
Categorizing and Theming:
Grouping similar codes and identifying larger meanings through themes.
Detailed descriptions, key quotes, analytic memos, interpretive ideas.
Utilizes memo notes, identifies patterns, considers anomalies, and uses triangulation.
Thoroughness and Congruence:
Components' comprehensiveness, fit between questions, methods, and findings, and congruence of data collection and analysis.
Validity or Trustworthiness:
Credibility and rigor in methodology, craft, innovation, vividness, transferability.
Suitable formats (journal article, conference presentation, monograph), intended audiences.
Ethics Statement:
Moral/social justice imperative, accessibility, cultural sensitivity, IRB approvals, informed consent, permissions, relational ethics, debriefings, representation, and dissemination of findings.
Researcher's place, feelings, impressions, assumptions, attention to power issues.
References, Appendices, Timeline, Proposed Budget:
Recruitment letter, informed consent, permissions, instruments if applicable.