Reflexive Inquiry References and Notes
References and Notes:
Required Textbook
Lyle, E. (2023). Of books, barns, and boardrooms: Exploring praxis through reflexive inquiry. Brill. OF BOOKS, BARNS, AND BOARDROOMS: EXPLORING PRAXIS THROUGH REFLEXIVE INQUIRY.
Required Journal Articles
Alexander, P. A. (2017). Reflection and Reflexivity in Practice Versus in Theory: Challenges of Conceptualization, Complexity, and Competence. Educational Psychologist, 52(4), 307–314. Reflection and Reflexivity in Practice Versus in Theory: Challenges of Conceptualization, Complexity, and Competence.
Attia, M., & Edge, J. (2017). Be(com)ing a reflexive researcher: a developmental approach to research methodology. Open Review of Educational Research, 4(1), 33–45.
Burkinshaw, P., & White, K. (2017). Fixing the women or fixing universities: Women in HE leadership. Administrative Sciences, 7(3), 30.,sso&db=bth&AN=125301964&site=eds-live&custid=s7439054
Cho, C. (2018). Insider/outsider: Border crossing, liminality, and disrupting concepts of teacher identities through a prototypical lens. In E. Lyle (Ed.), The negotiated self: Employing reflexive inquiry to explore teacher identity (pp. 213–224). Sense Publishers.
Corkett, J. (2018). Butterflies in the knapsack: An exploration of a Teacher's Identity. In E. Lyle (Ed.) The negotiated self: Employing reflexive inquiry to explore teacher identity (pp. 12–22). Sense Publishers.
Cunliffe, A. L. (2016). On becoming a critically reflexive researcher. Journal of Management Education, 40(6), 747–768.
Davidson, S. (2018). Responding aesthetically: Using artistic expression and dialogical reflection to transform adversity. In E. Lyle (Ed.) The negotiated self: Employing reflexive inquiry to explore teacher identity (pp. 86–102). Sense Publishers.
de Saxe, J. G., & Trotter-Simons, B.-E. (2021). Intersectionality, decolonization, and educating for critical consciousness: Rethinking praxis and resistance in education. Journal of Thought, 55(1/2), 3–20. Intersectionality, Decolonization, and Educating for Critical Consciousness : Rethinking Praxis and Resistance in Education
Donald, D. (2020). Episode 01: Dwayne Donald [Audio podcast]. Fooknconversation.
Field-Springer, K. (2019). Reflexive embodied ethnography with applied sensibilities: Methodological reflections on involved qualitative research. Qualitative Research, 20(2), 1-19.
Ferguson, K. (2022). Homeland of the Métis Nation: A critical inquiry into the hidden curriculum at Winnipeg’s Upper Fort Garry. In E. Lyle (Ed.), Re/humanizing education (pp. 186-199). Brill|Sense
Fernández, J, Hisatake, K., & Nguyen, A. (2020). Decolonial feminism as reflexive praxis: Lugones’s “world”-travelling as stories of friendship in academia. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 41(1), 12. Decolonial Feminism as Reflexive Praxis: Lugones's "World"-Travelling as Stories of Friendship in Academia.
Held, M. B. E. (2019). Decolonizing research paradigms in the context of settler colonialism: An unsettling, mutual, and collaborative effort. International Journal of Qualitative MethodsDecolonizing Research Paradigms in the Context of Settler Colonialism: An Unsettling, Mutual, and Collaborative Effort
Grudnoff, L., Haigh, M., Hill, M., Cochran-Smith, M., Ell, F., & Ludlow, L. (2017). Teaching for equity: insights from international evidence with implications for a teacher education curriculum. Curriculum Journal, 28(3), 305–326.,sso&db=a9h&AN=123762793&site=eds-live&custid=s7439054
Kenyon, E. (2019). Negotiating fear and whiteness. In E. Lyle (Ed) Fostering a relational pedagogy: Self-study as transformative praxis (pp. 71–81). Brill.
Lahman, et, al. (2021). Own your walls: Portraiture and researcher reflexive collage self-portraits. Qualitative Inquiry, 27(1) 136–147. Renga, Research, Reflexivity: Poetic Representation.
Lahman, M. K. E., Hancock, E., Alhudithi, A., Kincaid, T., Lafferty, M., Patchett, E., Loften, L., & Couch, C. (2019). Renga, research, reflexivity: Poetic representation. Qualitative Inquiry, 25(9–10), 826–829.
Lykes, M. B., & van der Merwe, H. (2019). Critical reflexivity and transitional justice praxis: Solidarity, accompaniment and intermediarity. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 0, 1–6.
Lyle, E. (2018). Untangling sel(f)ves through a/r/tography. In E. Lyle (Ed.), The negotiated self: Employing reflexive inquiry to explore teacher identity (pp. 1–11). Sense Publishers.
Markham, A. (2021). Reflexivity: Some techniques for interpretive researchers - Annette Markham: Social media, methods, and ethics.
Mayers, R. (2020). See the light: “Biking-with” as an a/r/tographic method of public pedagogy. Journal of Arts & Communities, 12(1–2), 105–118. See the light: 'Biking-with' as an a/r/tographic method of public pedagogy.
McCabe, K. (2019). Opening in to Alethia. In E. Lyle (Ed) Fostering a relational pedagogy: Self-study as transformative praxis (pp. 116–126). Brill.
McGarry, K. (2019). Reflexivity as a process for coming into knowing. LEARNing Landscapes, 12(1), 155–170.
Mernick, A. (2021). Critical arts pedagogy: Nurturing critical consciousness and self-actualization through art education. Art Education, 74(5), 19–24. Critical Arts Pedagogy: Nurturing Critical Consciousness and Self-Actualization Through Art Education.
Palaganas, E. C., Sanchez, M. C., Molintas, M. V. P., & Caricativo, R. D. (2017). Reflexivity in qualitative research: A journey of learning. The Qualitative Report, 22(2), 426–438. Reflexivity in Qualitative Research: A Journey of Learning
Palmer, P. (1997/2017). The heart of a teacher: Identity and integrity in teaching. .
Schiffer, A. (2020). Issues of power and representation: Adapting positionality and reflexivity in community‐based design. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 39(2), 418–429.
Syeed, E., Kumar, M. M., Lowe, N., Moran, D., & Rucobo, K. (2020). Getting uncomfortable with difficult knowledge: A reflexive account of a community-based research project. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-based Research and Practice, 3(1), 3. DOI:
Tibbitts, F. (2016). Political autobiography: Reflexive inquiry in the preparation of social justice educators. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 13(1), 108–117.
Required Media
IntercultureTV. (2017, February 8). Reflexivity in perception [Video]. YouTube.