

McCabe, K. (2019). Opening in to Aletheia. In E. Lyle (Ed.), Fostering a relational pedagogy: Self-study as transformative praxis (pp. 116–126). Brill | Sense.

  • Hermeneutics: Theory and methodology of interpretation, applied to stories of cancer experience from grandmother's perspective.

  • Identity shift: From patient to survivor, but survivor identity feels constraining and alienating.

  • Self-understanding: Reflecting on cancer experience through performance, conversation, and processes.

  • Performance art: Utilized to explore self-perception, relationships, and evolving understanding of identity.

  • Performance feedback: Silence, comments, and audience reactions inform self-reflection and growth.

  • Performance as witness: Continuous interpretation of self in relation to memories, experiences, and the world.

  • Impact of cancer: Opens up past, present, and future, offering a space for interpretive inquiry and sense-making.

  • Aletheia: Concept of revealing concealed truths, opposite of forgetfulness, brings forth forgotten or concealed aspects of self and life.

  • Exploration through performance: Learning to stay open to new understandings of self and the world, recognizing interconnectedness and ongoing growth.