Change Mindset

Rinne, A. (2023). Change management requires a change mindset: Our ability to manage change hinges on our ability to manage ourselves, including our fears and anxieties. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–6.


  • Change Management to Change Mindset:

    • Traditional change management processes, often dominated by men, focus on processes, systems, and control, neglecting the human aspect of change.

    • The ability to manage change effectively depends on managing oneself, including fears and anxieties, which impact decision-making.

    • Traditional change management strategies overlook the importance of addressing emotions and mental preparedness for uncertainty.

  • Shift from "What Is" to "What Could Be":

    • Instead of trying to predict a single future, businesses should embrace scenario planning or mapping to envision multiple possible futures.

    • Scenario mapping involves identifying key variables and filling out quadrants with potential scenarios to prepare for various outcomes.

    • This approach helps organizations adapt to uncertainty and be better prepared for different future scenarios.

  • Optimizing Change Mindset for Midsize Companies:

    • Midsize companies are in a prime position to rethink change and uncertainty, as they have fewer limitations than small companies and are less encumbered by bureaucracy than large companies.

    • Scenario mapping can involve a diverse range of talent across the organization and help boost flexibility and tolerance for change, contributing to future success.