Elaborate Capitalism

Labonté R. Neoliberalism 4.0: The Rise of Illiberal Capitalism Comment on "How Neoliberalism Is Shaping the Supply of Unhealthy Commodities and What This Means for NCD Prevention". Int J Health Policy Manag. 2020 Apr 1;9(4):175-178. doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2019.111. PMID: 32331498; PMCID: PMC7182151.


Neoliberalism 4.0: The Rise of Elaborate Capitalism:

  • Neoliberalism Evolution:

    • Neoliberalism 1.0: Structural adjustment programs in the 80s and 90s.

    • Neoliberalism 2.0: Financialization enabled by technology and deregulation.

    • Neoliberalism 3.0: Physical austerity post-2007/2008 financial crisis.

  • Historical Context:

    • Adam Smith's focus on market efficiency, with overlooked warnings on inequality.

    • Von Hayek's extreme liberalism and German ordo liberalism post-WWII.

    • Rapid economic growth, social protection, and progressive movements after WWII.

  • Neo-Fascism and Challenges:

    • Reemergence of neo-fascism.

    • Real economy persists amid financialized global economy.

    • Financial austerity, upward wealth redistribution, and global tax trends.

  • Macro Health Advocacy:

    • Urges a shift away from capitalism threatening life's foundations.