Career Development


Ford, J. K. (2021). Learning in organizations: An evidence-based approach. Routledge.

Building individual capabilities:

Career Development:

  • Involves movements through dimensions: upwards in hierarchy, laterally across subfields, and towards influential job functions.

  • Individuals transition from newcomer to insider, expanding knowledge, skills, and utilizing talents.

  • Targets technical proficiency and general competencies.

  • Newcomer Development:

    • Strong onboarding reduces early turnover; variety of strategies include web-based sources, formal training, coaching, and mentoring.

    • Effective onboarding is a planned, engaging, and participatory activity over time.

  • Orientation and Initial Training:

    • Aims to provide newcomers with a sense of the job, duties, expectations, policies, and resources.

    • Quality and quantity of this learning impact readiness and satisfaction.

    • Emphasizes the four C’s: compliance, clarification, cultural norms, and connection.

  • Organizational Socialization:

    • Learning and adjustment process for understanding values, norms, and expected behaviors.

    • Takes months, can be formal or informal.

    • Tactics include institutionalized (formal) and individualized (informal) approaches.

  • Guided Learning (Buddy System):

    • Utilizes apprenticeships and on-the-job training.

    • Apprenticeships involve formal programs for skilled trades, leading to higher income and lower income inequality in Europe.

    • On-the-job training is informal, carried out at the workplace, and requires careful planning for success.

  • Enhancing Capabilities:

    • Work experiences enhance performance; diversity and complexity increase job performance.

    • Job rotation and project-to-project rotation provide skill variety, job satisfaction, and enrichment.

  • Informal Learning:

    • Self-directed, intentional, and field-based.

    • Highly experiential, self-initiated, and under the learner’s control.

    • Factors affecting outcomes include support, resources, and forming learning networks.

  • Deliberate Practice:

    • Structured activities to increase mastery and performance.

    • Relevant for highly technical jobs and involves complex learning in dynamic situations.

  • Four Strategies for Generalization and Self-Learning:

    • Estimation, Experimentation, Extrapolation, and Explanation.

  • Factors Affecting Informal Learning:

    • Support from leaders and team members, and investment in learning resources.

  • Career Development:

    • Mid-level individuals need to maintain or enhance skills.

    • Skill updating methods include traditional, blended learning, and microlearning.

  • Self-Management:

    • Career development is becoming self-directed.

    • Challenges in workplaces supporting self-management lead to unmet expectations.

  • Digital Badging and Micro Credentials:

    • Validate skills through short courses; employers can verify earned badges.

  • Best Practice Guidelines:

    • Onboarding involves stakeholders, milestones, and technology.

    • Orientation focuses on compliance, clarification, cultural norms, and connection.

    • Socialization emphasizes intentional processes and 12 dimensions.

    • On-the-job training requires organized content, effective demonstration, and continuous feedback.

    • Encourage informal learning, hold leaders accountable, and support skill updating and self-management strategies.