Capturing the Value and Meaning of Training in Organizations

Summary: "Training Culture: A New Conceptualization to Capture Values and Meanings of Training in Organizations" (Polo, Cervais, Kantola, 2018)

  • Current Training Focus:

    • Current emphasis on informal learning, organizational learning, and culture; however, formal training remains important.

  • HRM Perspective:

    • Training is often viewed as an HRM practice influenced by organizational culture without considering the reciprocal relationship.

  • Training as Subset of Organizational Culture:

    • Proposes considering training as a subset of the main organizational culture.

    • Framework needed to examine meanings and values of training at individual, team, and organizational levels.

  • Learning Culture:

    • Learning culture as a specific organizational culture.

    • Training climate concerns factors influencing training success and failure.

  • Training Culture Definition:

    • Training culture involves meanings and values attributed to training in specific organizations.

    • Focuses on planned, formal learning with stable and durable features and meanings.

  • Levels of Analysis:

    • Management and employees considered at three levels: individual, team, and organizational.

  • Interconnected Benefits of Training:

    • Benefits of training detected at different levels and interconnected.

    • Fosters individual performance, knowledge and skill updates, problem-solving, and employee orientation.

  • Team Level Significance:

    • Emphasizes teams as crucial in modern organizations for sharing meanings, mental models, and understandings.

  • Organizational Level Training Culture:

    • Focus on organizational values, business ethics, and goals.

    • Employees may perceive organizational-level training as indirect unless oriented toward growth and development.

  • Challenges with Mismatched Beliefs:

    • Training's value depends on organizational belief in its importance.

    • Mismatched beliefs may occur, where managers may not value training despite their belief or vice versa.

  • Tailoring Training Programs:

    • Organizations can compare training cultures in different departments and professional categories.

    • Tailor training programs based on subcultures identified through cultural assessment.

  • Individual Characteristics Influence:

    • Employee characteristics (tenure, age, education) influence individual perception of training culture.

  • Business Environment Variability:

    • Business environment differences across sectors; further studies needed for cross-validation.

  • Training Culture Scale:

    • Scale includes 26 items categorized into individual, team, and organizational dimensions.

    • Respondents rate relevance to their organization (0 to 100) based on importance.