Determining Organizational Learning Needs

Summary: "Learning in Organizations" by K. Ford

Assessing Learning Needs:

  • Assess learning gaps and the learning environment before starting a learning experience.

  • Learning objectives should stem from this analysis, considering organizational capabilities and needs.

  • Effective needs assessment involves organization-wide, work, and personal analyses.

  • A gap analysis determines if learning activities are the best solution.

Organizational Analysis:

  • A system-wide examination of the organization relevant to learning and development.

  • Key elements include strategic goals, types of learning systems, organizational characteristics, resources, climate, and constraints.

  • Learning audit is based on the analysis of strategic learning goals and current learning strategies.

Core Competencies Model:

  • A formalized approach to capabilities needed across organizational levels and functions.

  • Core competencies are patterns of behavior vital for organizational success.

  • Top-down development identifies HR capabilities aligned with organizational goals.

Executive Development and Coaching:

  • Programs based on leadership core competency models.

  • Eight core competencies desired for leaders, including leading, deciding, supporting, cooperating, etc.

  • Industry-specific leadership competencies are also considered.

Learning Needs in Regulations:

  • Vertical and horizontal regulatory systems address specific industries or issues.

  • Organizational learning goals are established, and conditions for learning are examined.

  • Resources, such as people, time, and money, are analyzed to support learning.

Work Analysis:

  • Examination of jobs through interviews, surveys, job observations, and focus groups.

  • Capabilities and work team analysis are essential for a team-based work system.

  • O*NET provides free information about jobs and career clusters.

Person Analysis:

  • Examines individuals through a gap analysis of current and desired job behaviors and performance.

  • Cognitive analysis and behavioral analysis help identify competencies and set performance expectations.

  • The current state is assessed through performance appraisals, personnel files, and job knowledge tests.

Job Knowledge and Skills:

  • Knowledge (declarative, procedural, strategic) and skills are prioritized for newcomers.

  • Methods for conducting work analysis include interviews, surveys, job observations, and focus groups.

Needs Assessment Strategies:

  • Different strategies, such as strategic training needs assessment and employee felt need for training, can be employed.

  • Competency-based approaches, surveys, and assessments help identify managerial competency gaps.

  • Space exploration, manufacturing facility, and other approaches showcase the diverse applications of needs assessment strategies.

Best Practice Guidelines:

  • Conduct systematic learning needs analysis.

  • Be proactive in identifying learning needs.

  • Investigate organizational factors inhibiting learning.

  • Use cognitive task analysis with job experts.

  • Gather critical incident stories to identify effective and ineffective job behaviors.

  • Identify specific gaps in performance and determine the best learning approach.