Team Learning and Development
Ford, J. K. (2021). Learning in organizations: An evidence-based approach. Routledge.
Team, learning and development:
Team, Learning, and Development:
Team Adoption:
Organizations adopt team-based work systems for increased interconnectedness and effective problem-solving.
Teams can be permanent or project-based, addressing organizational needs.
Challenges for Teams:
Information processing, decision-making demands, and rapid response to changing conditions are key challenges.
Team effectiveness is influenced by knowledge, skills, and attitude.
Nature of Teams:
Teams involve job and task interdependencies with different roles but a common purpose.
Four dimensions: interdependence, shared objectives, reflexivity, boundedness.
Effective Teams - Three Factors:
Taskwork Skills: Members are technically skilled with interdependencies.
Teamwork Competencies: Interaction among members, attitude-based teamwork, and skill-based teamwork.
Mutual Performance Monitoring: Monitoring actions, providing timely feedback, emphasizing shared leadership.
Situational Awareness and Transactive Memory Systems:
Situational Awareness: Knowledge depth in team members for perceiving and interpreting situations.
Transactive Memory Systems: Shared mental models enhancing coordination and problem-solving.
Affective Teams and Process Improvement:
Develop procedures for process improvement, focusing on problem-solving skills.
Targeted Team Development:
Develop competencies in taskwork, teamwork, and process improvement for day-to-day effectiveness.
Team Training Programs:
Improve cognitive transfer and skill-based transfer for higher teamwork behaviors and performance.
Includes team coordination, cross-training, and crafting-combination training.
Craft-Combination Training:
Positions clarify tasks for minimal interdependence; rotation for more independence.
Cross-training builds proficiency and flexibility.
Team Resource Management Training:
Builds skills for effective interaction, teamwork, and error avoidance in teams.
STAR (Stop Think Act Review) approach to avoid errors.
Team-Oriented Medical Simulation (TOMS):
Focuses on teamwork concepts, pre-planning, simulated surgery, and post-surgery review.
Team Building Training:
Enhances social relationships, builds trust, and clarifies roles for effective team processes.
Multi-Agency Training:
Coordinates efforts between agencies for multi-team and multi-organization cooperation.
Uses scenario-based interventions, teaching modules, and formal debriefing.
Multiplayer Interactive Serious Games:
Promotes deep learning through a safe environment, scenario presentation, and interactivity.
Team Learning Activities:
Action Learning: Solving real-life problems, generating solutions, and implementing them.
Team Debrief: Post-action review for critiquing performance and guiding future actions.
Pre-Brief and Coaching:
Pre-Brief: Set goals, clarify roles, and discuss potential problems before an action.
Coaching: Effective coaches provide feedback, model behavior, and set challenging goals.
Team Self-Management and Adaptation:
As teams become more competent, they can manage internal processes and monitor their own learning.
Learning from Other Teams:
Observe, copy, and discuss lessons from other teams for adaptation.
Team reflexivity focuses on examining and improving overall team functioning.
Reflexivity Intervention:
Teams reflect on performance, strategies, and adaptation to meet current and anticipated circumstances.
Typical intervention involves discussing strategies, developing improvement plans, and being adaptable.
Nature of Teams Changing:
More fluid membership, technology use, geographic dispersion, and increased diversity.
Interventions support knowledge and skills and promote wellness in teams.
Best Practice Guidelines:
Ensure team members have adequate task knowledge before emphasizing teamwork.
Use positional clarification for low interdependence teams.
Design team resource management training for skills like threat recognition and problem-solving.
Clearly identify team-building objectives and activities.
Incorporate the five elements of collective impact into multi-agency collaboration.
Conduct debriefs for self-discovery and future direction.
Train leaders in holding structured debriefs and setting expectations.