Learning Transfer

Learning Transfer Summary (Ford, 2020):

  1. Transfer Frameworks:

    • Definition: Effective use of knowledge/skills gained in a learning setting outside of where it occurred.

    • Conditions: Context, expected learner actions, timing.

  2. Transfer of Skills:

    • Involves generalization beyond application to job tasks.

    • Retention measures knowledge and skill transfer.

    • Lack of practice can lead to skill deterioration.

    • Performance effectiveness gauges expertise relevant to learning goals.

  3. Transfer Model:

    • Learning outcomes impact transfer conditions.

    • Encoding, consolidation, integration, and retrieval make learning permanent.

    • Effective design and planning enhance outcomes.

  4. Learner Characteristics:

    • Work environment/context influences learning and retention.

    • Opportunities for proactive use of learning are vital.

    • A learning-valuing climate is crucial.

  5. Design and Learning Principles:

    • Advanced Organizer: Cue to introduce new knowledge/skill.

    • Make Connections: Generative learning involves critical linkages.

    • Provide Contrast: Interleaved practice aids learning.

    • Retrieve Information from Memory: Retrieval practice is more valuable than restudying.

    • Production of Response: Practice opportunities vary (whole, part, mental rehearsal).

    • Practice in Realistic Performance Situations: Identical elements enhance transfer.

    • Distribution of Practice: Spaced learning is more effective.

    • Provide Appropriate Feedback: Feedback elements include timing, frequency, specificity, sign, and source.

  6. Factors Influencing Transfer:

    • Person factors, work environment, and person factors impact transfer.

    • Opportunities to use knowledge/skills, support from peers/supervisors, and reward systems impact transfer outcomes.

    • Procrastination and resistance to change can hinder transfer.

  7. Strategies to Enhance Transfer:

    • Prior to Learning Event: Cover material related to learning objectives, create consistent plans, set expectations.

    • During Learning: Communicate learner expectations, deliver credible content, tie practice to authentic work requirements.

    • Opportunity: Supervisory support crucial for opportunities on the job.

    • Transfer Interventions: Error management framing, behavior self-management, goal-setting, and implementation goals.

  8. Best Practice Guidelines:

    • Identify conditions of transfer in advance.

    • Ensure immediate opportunities to use new skills.

    • Incorporate various learning principles.

    • Determine appropriate feedback levels.

    • Develop strategies for transfer before, during, and after learning.

    • Train supervisors to provide appropriate support.

    • Encourage errors in a safe learning environment.

    • Set specific and measurable implementation goals.