Enablers of Knowledge Management Capacity

From inclusive climate, to organizational innovation: examine internal and external enablers for knowledge management capacity (Li, et al., 2022)

  • Historical Diversity Management Focus:

    • Focused on problems like discrimination and bias.

    • Tokenism addressed in diversity research.

  • Positive Stance in Research:

    • Shifting towards leveraging diversity's value.

    • Exploring competitive advantages in creating an inclusive workplace.

  • Organizational Climate for Inclusion:

    • Efforts to cultivate an inclusive workplace.

    • Reduces conflict, mitigates issues related to diversity.

  • Inclusive Climate and Knowledge Management:

    • Fosters knowledge management capacity.

    • Promotes incremental and radical innovation.

  • Environmental Scanning and Diversity:

    • Demographic diversity and environmental scanning amplify positive effects.

    • Inclusive climate helps mitigate diversity-related problems.

  • Informational Benefits of Diversity:

    • Facilitates information elaboration and decision-making.

    • Consider regional differences, especially in non-Western cultures.

  • Gender Diversity at Organizational Level:

    • Gender roles studied at the organizational level.

    • Self-management teams with shared leadership benefit from gender diversity.

  • Internal and External Knowledge Management:

    • Combine internal knowledge sourcing with external knowledge scanning.

    • Environmental scanning beneficial in dynamic and complex environments.

  • Cultivating Inclusive Work Culture:

    • Fosters positive socio-emotional experiences.

    • Acknowledge and value multiculturalism.

  • Inclusion Policy Development:

    • Address the gap between proposed and enacted practices.

    • Monitor unintended consequences and progress towards diversity goals.

  • Asian Region Diverse Workplaces:

    • Better potential for inclusivity and knowledge management capacity.

    • Increase representation for diverse groups and monitor the environment.

  • Comprehensive Information Gathering:

    • Use various sources for information gathering.

    • Encourage managers to maintain a prepared stance for environmental influences.

  • HR Research Informants:

    • Use multiple informants for reliable ratings.

    • HR research often relies on a single informant like HR managers.

  • Cox’s Interactional Model of Cultural Diversity:

    • Organizational culture mitigates bias and supports cultural integration.

    • Applicable to various cultural identities, emphasizing micro and macro cultures.