Faculty-Student Coaching

Understanding the Rise of Faculty-Student Coaching:

Rebecca J. Jones and Holly Andrews, 2019: Understanding the Rise of Faculty–Student Coaching: An Academic Capitalism Perspective. AMLE, 18, 606–625, https://doi.org/10.5465/amle.2017.0200

  • Coaching Overview:

    • Coaching equips individuals with tools, knowledge, and opportunities.

    • Collaborative, reflective, goal-bound, and value-driven process.

    • Different from mentoring and teaching; focuses on generic skills.

  • Perspectives on Coaching in Management Education:

    • Purpose debate: Knowledge acquisition vs. skills and attitudes development.

    • Coaching impact on motivation, adaptive learning, self-efficacy, and resilience.

    • Faculty-student coaching may face relationship barriers.

  • Academic Capitalism and Coaching:

    • Academic capitalism explains market-oriented moves by research universities.

    • Some business schools prioritize rankings and prestige over coaching impact.

    • Coaching used as a recruitment gimmick, sometimes mislabeled.

  • Recommendations:

    • Move beyond a focus on knowledge acquisition in coaching.

    • Utilize coaching for attitudinal and skill-based components.

    • Shift from blind college acquisition to meaningful coaching outcomes.