Quantitative Research Proposal:
(Leavy, 2021)
Title Template:
Use quantitative titles that clearly state the main topic and design approach.
Develop the title from keywords about the study.
Provide an overview of the study, including the problem, purpose, research questions, methods, population, and main theory.
Typically 150–200 words.
Write after completing the rest of the research proposal.
Use singular words or short phrases (5-6).
Think about terms for online research on the topic.
State the phenomenon, variables, relationship being tested, pragmatic issues.
Include personal/professional interest, access to samples, funding opportunities.
Replication Studies:
Purposeful repetition of previous research.
Two types: direct and conceptual.
Low replication rates due to disincentives, bias, and data-sharing deficiencies.
Researchers publicly share analysis plans before data collection.
Encourages replication, enhances rigor, and reduces bias.
Data Sharing:
Large datasets often shared; smaller datasets may be lost.
No rules for authors to provide data; some journals encourage sharing.
Study Replication Considerations:
Availability of information, impact on policy, importance of original findings.
Consider social/political value, values system, and timeliness.
Historical Perspective on Quantitative Research:
Positivism: Reality exists independently, measured by the scientific method.
Postpositivism: Objective reality, differing from positivism, no absolute truth claims.
Research Purpose Statement and Questions/Hypotheses:
Briefly state the purpose, variables, population, and theory.
Research questions are central, employ directional language.
Hypotheses predict variable relationships.
Literature Review:
Synthesize recent and landmark studies.
Focus on primary sources; define variables operationally.
Research Plan - Design and Methods:
Select methods based on addressing research purpose.
Primary designs: experimental research and survey research.
Experimental Research:
Oldest quantitative research form.
Settings: natural, labs, Internet.
Types: preexperiments, true experiments, quasi-experiments.
Survey Research:
Most widely used in social sciences.
Special-purpose surveys in education, health care, and social science.
Survey Design and Delivery:
Questionnaire construction is a detailed process.
Consider respondent burden.
Delivery options: in-person, online, mail, telephone.
Quantitative Sampling:
Probability sampling ensures every element in the population has a chance of selection.
Determine sample size based on design and generalization goals.
Data Analysis:
Prepare data, perform "data cleaning."
Use descriptive statistics to summarize data.
Inferential statistics test hypotheses.
Validity and Reliability:
Face, content, construct, statistical, ecological validity.
Internal and external validity.
Interitem, test–retest, interrater reliability.
Interpretation and Representation:
Visually depict data using tables, graphs.
Include implications for future research.
Pilot Test and Ethics Statement:
Conduct a pilot test for a complete run-through.
Ethical considerations include board approvals, informed consent, and efforts to minimize biases.
Reference List and Appendices:
Include a full reference list.
Appendices: Proposed timeline, budget (if applicable), recruitment letter, instruments.