Summary of "What Constitutes a Good Qualitative Research Study? Fundamental Dimensions and Indicators of Rigor in Qualitative Research: The TACT Framework" Daniel, B. K. (2019). What constitutes a good qualitative research study? Fundamental dimensions and indicators of rigour in qualitative research: The TACT framework. In Proceedings of the European conference of research methods for business and management studies (pp. 101–108). https://www.proquest.com/conference-papers-proceedings/what-constitutes-good-qualitative-research-study/docview/2260394257/se-2?accountid=142373
Rigour in Qualitative Research:
Debates on universal criteria and quality assurance processes for qualitative research.
TACT Framework introduced for assessing rigour.
TACT Framework:
Components: Truth value, applicability, consistency, and neutrality.
Acknowledges personal biases.
Requires systematic data organization and analysis.
Triangulation and verification of findings.
External and internal procedures for data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
Field notes, memos, and pictures aid auditability.
Audit trail: Recordkeeping of decisions made during the research process.
Similar to internal validity in quantitative research.
Findings should be dependable, relevant, and congruent.
Techniques: Member checking, attention to negative cases, independent analysis, and verbatim quotes.
Reflexivity and verification of findings with participants.
Comparable to reliability in quantitative methodology.
Findings applicable to other settings or groups.
Requires detailed descriptions, understanding of participant worldviews, and consideration of demographics and experiences.
Thick descriptions enhance transferability.
Challenges in Qualitative Research:
Qualitative research criticized for anecdotal bias and limited generalizability.
Inconsistent methods application and lack of universal criteria hinder replication.
Technology as a tool for peer review is under development and not widely applicable.