xR- Extended Reality

F. Palmas and G. Klinker, "Defining Extended Reality Training: A Long-Term Definition for All Industries," 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Tartu, Estonia, 2020, pp. 322-324, doi: 10.1109/ICALT49669.2020.00103.

  • Industry Revolution Impact:

    • Increased need for reskilling and upskilling.

    • Adoption of VR, AR, and mixed realities as base technologies.

  • Extended Reality (xR):

    • Constantly changing and evolving.

    • "X" in xR is a variable for future technologies under the umbrella term.

  • Virtual Reality (VR):

    • Computer-generated virtual environment.

    • Immersive experiences with entirely computer-simulated sensory reception.

  • Augmented Reality (AR):

    • Overlay of digital content onto physical reality.

    • Cannot directly interact with the environment.

  • Mixed Reality (MR):

    • Hybrid form created by combining virtual and augmented reality.

    • Overlay of virtual content interacting with the actual environment.

  • xR Integration:

    • Unites VR, AR, MR, and future technologies under a single term.

  • Gamification in Corporate Training:

    • Integrated into corporate training for engagement.

    • Supports instructional designers in creating positive user experiences.

    • XR technologies enhance learning transfer and offer multi-sensory approaches.

  • Training Domains:

    • Seven defined domains based on technological characteristics.

    • Includes physicality, stationary extensions, mobile extensions, augmented reality, mixed reality, virtual reality, and virtuality.

  • Physicality:

    • Unaltered, truly physical environment.

    • Often mistaken for reality but includes abstract, cultural components.

    • Guided by a trainer, not technology.

  • Stationary Extensions:

    • Desktop computer-based technology.

  • Mobile Extensions:

    • Laptops, smartphones, tablets.

    • Often not AR or VR.

  • Virtuality:

    • Computer-generated or simulated persistent virtual training world.

    • Comparable to real life.

  • Continuum:

    • Stationary, mobile, AR, mixed reality, VR