Technology Management

(Argote & Hora, 2017) Organizational learning and management of technology. 

  • Management of Technology:

    • Involves developing, adapting, and exploiting scientific and technological capabilities for strategic goals.

    • Knowledge measurement via surveys captures explicit but not tacit knowledge.

  • Assessing Organizational Changes:

    • Measures changes in organizational routines, practices, and indicators of performance as a result of experiences.

    • Examines changes in organizational patent stock.

  • Knowledge Frameworks in Organizations:

    • Three major frameworks: member, task, and tool networks.

    • Social, task, and tool networks intersect, forming member-task networks.

  • Knowledge Embedded in Routines:

    • Routines carry organizational knowledge, impacting change speed.

    • Evolution of knowledge management systems enhances operational efficiency and competitiveness.

  • Social Networks and Knowledge:

    • Social networks influence knowledge creation, retention, and transfer.

    • Transactive systems (member-task and member-tool networks) facilitate knowledge transfer and improve outcomes.

  • Teamwork and Adaptation:

    • Teams coordinate efforts and foster transactive memory systems.

    • Groups don't easily adapt to changes by observing success elsewhere.

  • Research Areas:

    • Exploration of organizational learning within firms due to new technology.

    • Role of machine learning, data mining, and technology in organizational learning.

    • Analysis of organizational learning and technology management using two-mode networks.

  • Organizational Learning in the Supply Chain:

    • Vertical integration impacts organizational learning.

    • Supply chain's external environment influences organizational learning.

  • Learning Framework in Supply Chains:

    • Member-task-tools frameworks and networks analyze knowledge transfer within the supply chain.

    • Challenges in knowledge transfer across organizations should consider routines and transactive memory.

  • Factors Influencing Organizational Learning:

    • Outsourcing, originally focused on transaction costs, now includes capabilities and learning.

    • Absorptive capacity affects organizational learning by recognizing, assimilating, and applying external information.

  • Geographic Distance and Ownership:

    • Geographic distance poses challenges to knowledge transfer but can be mitigated by social factors.

    • Different ownership structures pose challenges, with incentives and inter-organizational arrangements facilitating knowledge sharing.

  • Returns to Knowledge:

    • Broader external knowledge sources lead to higher technological advancement.

    • Knowledge transfer along the supply chain is more effective than tools, with routines and transactive memory systems being significant sources of competitive advantage.