Drop a Question From a D2L Test (Students Already Completed)
Faculty may need to drop a question from a completed D2L test if it's determined that the question was flawed, unclear, or not aligned with the intended learning outcomes. For example, if there was an error in the question's wording, a technical issue, or if the question was unusually difficult compared to the rest of the test, it could unfairly impact students' scores. In such cases, rather than removing the question entirely, a simple workaround is to update all attempts in the grade area and automatically assign full marks for the question to all students. This ensures fairness and consistency in grading, allowing the test to accurately reflect students' understanding of the material without requiring complex adjustments or manual score changes.
From within your D2L course:
Click Assessments
Click the dropdown arrow beside your test
Click Grade
Click the Questions tab
Click Update all attempts
Click on the question
Scroll down and select the option to give all attempts __ points (enter the # of points to award)
Click “Go Back to Questions”
Each student’s test grade will be updated after completing this process. Notice that there may be other options to award points for specific responses (depending on the type of question).