Exempt a Student on a Grade Item

Exempt a Student on a Grade Item

Instructors using D2L (Desire2Learn) often encounter situations where a student must be exempted from a specific grade item for various reasons such as illness, personal emergencies, or other valid circumstances. This document provides a step-by-step guide on exempting the student from a grade item in D2L, ensuring that their overall grade calculation accurately reflects their performance without penalizing them for the exempted item. By following these instructions, you can manage your gradebook more effectively and accommodate the unique needs of your students.


To exempt a student from a test in Desire2Learn (D2L) Brightspace, you can:

  1. Go to the Grades area in the course 

  2. Find the grade item you want to exempt the student from 

  3. Select the down arrow next to the grade item 

  4. Select Enter Grades 

  5. Select the checkbox next to each student you want to exempt 

  6. Select Exempt 

  7. Select Save and Close 


You can also exempt a student from multiple items at once by selecting Bulk edit exemptions from the down arrow next to the student's name. 

To revoke an exemption, select the student(s) with an exemption and click Unexempt. 


Exempted items are treated as empty grades and are excluded from the calculation of a student's final grade. If all items are exempted, the final grade will not have a score. 


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