Register for Care Passport Micro-Credentials

Register for Care Passport Micro-Credentials

Before you can register for micro-credential courses in the Care Passport Portal, you will have to confirm your role at the care home where you work.

Confirm your Role

Once you’ve created your Care Passport Portal Account and provided your Name, Birthdate, and Portal ID to your employer, you will be added to a home and assigned a role.

You will receive an email when this role is assigned and you will need to confirm this role BEFORE you can register for courses.

Figure 1. Confirm Staff Details email

Register for Micro-Credential Courses

Whether you’re registering for courses that only need to be taken once or registering for Annual Mandatories, the process is always the same.

Filter Training Requirements

  1. Login to carepassport.ca

  2. Navigate to the Manage My Training tab

  3. Select your Home and your Role (you should see a checkmark beside the Home and Role you’ve been assigned to.)

  4. Now filter the results to see the training that you must complete.

    Figure 2. Filter button to show training specific to your role

Add Courses to Cart & Verify

Completion Timeframe

Once you gain access to a course, you have 14 days to complete that course. If you don’t complete the course within the 14 days, you will have to pay for a retake.

Remember to only add the number of courses you have time to complete in 14 days. You don’t need to take all of the courses at one time.

  1. Select the course(s) you would like to take and expand the box using the ( + ) beside the title

  2. Once the course is expanded, you will see the length of the course, the training provider, and an option to put the course in your cart.


    Remember: You should only register for the number of courses you can complete within 14 days.

  3. After adding the training to your cart, the icon will become a checkmark.


  4. When you’ve loaded all the courses you want to in your cart, click on the Training Cart tab and Submit your training. The system will either Reject or Approve your courses based on whether your employer will pay for them or not.

  5. Once your course is Approved, you will gain access within TWO business days. You can always see the history of any courses you’ve submitted by expanding the history below the Approved area within your Training Cart.

Annual Mandatory Courses

In order to identify if a course needs to be renewed each year, you should look at the Expiry column.

If a course only needs to be taken once, the Expiry column will be blank. If it is an annual mandatory, it will say 1 years.