Adding a Staff Member to a Home in the Care Passport Portal
To add a new staff member to a Home in Care Passport Portal, follow these steps:
Step 1: Select the Manage Homes tab.
If the Manage Home tab does not appear in your account, it means you have not been granted Admin access. You will need to contact the Portal Admin for your Organization to have Admin access added to your account.
Step 2: Select the Home you want to add a new staff member to from the Select Home drop-down list.
If the Home you are adding the staff member to does not appear in the Select Home drop-down list, it means either that you do not have Admin access for that Home or that Home has not been created for your Organization. The Portal Admin for your Organization will be able to add the Home and/or give you Admin access to it.
Step 3: Select the Manage Staff tab
Step 4: Select the Add Staff button
Step 5: Add New Staff Member.
You need to enter the following information on the Add New Staff Member page:
User Email Address or 4-digit Portal User ID - Employees can use these instructions to find their Portal User ID: Finding Your Care Passport Portal User ID
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Role (see below)
Step 6: The Role drop-down menu will display all the roles that have been created for the specific Home you have selected. Select the Role you want to add for this staff member and then select the Save Changes button. This will trigger a confirmation email to be sent to the staff member. Once they select the Confirm link in the email, they will be added to the Home with the assigned Role.
If the role you want to assign to the staff member is not in the drop-down menu, it means the role has not been created for Home you have selected. The Portal Admin for your Organization will be able to add the required Role to the Home.