Seamlessly Integrate LinkedIn Learning into Your D2L Courses

Seamlessly Integrate LinkedIn Learning into Your D2L Courses

Integrating LinkedIn Learning content into your D2L courses is a seamless process that offers numerous benefits for both faculty and students. With just a few clicks, you can enrich your course materials with high-quality, professionally produced videos and courses from LinkedIn Learning. This integration not only enhances the learning experience by providing diverse and up-to-date content but also saves time for faculty by simplifying the process of adding external resources. Additionally, LinkedIn Learning content can be linked directly to the D2L gradebook, allowing for easy tracking of student progress and automatic syncing of grades.


  1. Log into D2L and either click on your course or click the grid icon, and search for a course.

  1. Under the Lessons/Content tab, choose or create the module where you want to add the LinkedIn material. Click Existing Activities, and select LinkedIn Learning.

  1. In the search box, enter your topic to find available LinkedIn resources.

  1. You can search, add, and remove courses/videos. When done, click the Confirm button at the bottom.

  1. The LinkedIn Experience will close, and take you back to the D2L module with the newly added content. Review the title and description fields, and if changes are required click the drop down arrow and click Edit Properties in Place. Make any necessary changes, and click Enter/Update.


  1. Assignments and Grades: If the LinkedIn Learning content includes assignments or quizzes, you can sync grades directly to the D2L gradebook. This feature helps reduce faculty effort and potential errors. Each time you add a LinkedIn resource to your D2L course, a Grade Item will be created in your gradebook with a default weighting of 0% of the overall grade. This weighting can be edited in the Manage Grades area (if necessary).

If you don’t want to have the LinkedIn grade items in your gradebook, you can remove them by going to the Lessons/Content area and clicking on the LinkedIn Learning topic that you added earlier. Scroll to the bottom of the page (beneath the LinkedIn video), and locate the Assessment area (bottom of the page). Click the grade item listed and change it to No Grade. Click Save. Next go to Grades, and check your Manage Grades area…the grade item will not be associated to the External Learning Tool. To delete the grade item, click More Actions, click Delete, choose the grade item to be removed, click Delete twice.