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The D2L Replicator application has been created to allow for course components from a source D2L course offering to be configured to be copied to the sections of a destination course.


  • Black - The task is currently enabled and will be processed.

  • Grey - The task is currently disabled and will not be processed. The showing/hiding of the disabled tasks is controlled through the Show Disabled Tasks option from the View menu.

  • Green - The task has been completed and will not be processed. The showing/hiding of the completed tasks is controlled through the Show Completed Tasks option from the View menu.


  1. From the main interface of the D2L Replicator application locate the task you would like to duplicate in the Tasks list and select it.

  2. Next either click on the Duplicate Task button on the tool bar or select Duplicate Task from the Task menu on the menu bar.

  3. On the Destination Course page of the wizard select the term which contains the course you would like to use as the destination from the Term dropdown list.

  4. Next select the course from the Course list. You can filter the list of courses by entering a value into the Filter field.

  5. Once you have selected the destination course click on the Next button.

  6. On the Destination Sections page of the wizard select which sections of the destination course are to be used.

    1. If you would like the task to copy the selected course components from the source course offering to all sections of the destination course including those that are added at a later date select the I would like the content from the source D2L course offering to be copied to all sections of the selected course in the specified term option.

    2. If you would like to specify the sections which will be used select the I would like the content from the source D2L course offering to be copied to the below list of sections of the selected course in the specified term option and enter the list of sections into the Specified Sections field.

  7. Once you have selected the destination sections click on the Next button.

  8. On the Select Schedule page of the wizard select when the task should stop running.

    1. If you want the task to stop running at the end of the term select the I would like the task to stop running at the end of the term option. The end date of the currently selected destination term is displayed below this option.

    2. If you would like to specify an end date select the I would like the task to end on the specified date option and then enter the date you would like to use in the The date the task should end is field.

  9. Once you have specified the end date of the task click on the Next button.

  10. On the Review page of the wizard enter a name for your new task into the Task Name field. Optionally you can also enter a description into the Task Description field.

  11. Review the details of your new duplicate task in the Task Details section to ensure everything is correct.

  12. Once done reviewing the details of the new duplicate task click on the Finish button to have your new task created.

Common Question/Issues

Accessing the Application

When attempting to sign in to the application I get an error stating “Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in”.

  • You will receive this error message when attempting to sign in to the application when your account has not been given access to the application. Verify that the account you are attempting to sign in with has been given the required permissions to the application.

Creating Tasks

I am trying to create a new task and the course offering I would like to use is not listed in the list of course offerings



  • If you are filtering the list of course offerings verify that you are entering the correct value.

  • If the course offering was just created it may have not yet been picked up by the sync process which runs twice daily at 12:00 PM (noon) and 8:00 PM. Please wait until after the runs have completed and check to see if your course offering is showing up in the list.

I am trying to save my new task and I am getting an error stating the name I have entered for the task is already been used



  • Task names have to be unique. You will need to enter a different name for your new task.

I am trying to save my new task and I am getting an error stating that another task is using the destination course



  • The destination course for a task must be unique per term. You will need to select either a different destination term or a different destination course.

Content Jobs

A new section of a course I have selected to be used for task has been created but the task has not copied the content yet



  • If the section was just created in Colleague it may not have been created yet within D2L.

  • If the section has been created in D2L it may have not been picked up by the sync process which runs twice daily at 12:00 PM (noon) and 8:00 PM. Please wait until after the process has completed and check to see if the task has processed the new section.

  • If the task was created with only specific sections specified the new section may not be included. Verify that the new section is within the list of specified sections.

  • If the task is currently disabled the task will not be run and the content will not be copied to the new section of the destination course. Enable the task and wait for the next sync process to complete before checking the new section again.

  • If the task has been completed the task will not be run and the content will not be copied to the new section of the destination course.