4-004 - Program Prioritization, Revitalization and Rationalization
MOTION: 2018-6
DATE APPROVED: November 27, 2003
SUPERSEDES: Policy No. 2000-2-9
REVIEWED: January 25, 2018
POLICY NO: 4-004
The Board of Governors of Lambton College directs the implementation of a program prioritization, revitalization and/or rationalization process in order to ensure program quality, currency and relevance. Demographic changes, new technologies, changes in employment patterns, and global competition require the need for program changes and the development of new student markets. Therefore, careful attention to on-going program assessment, enhancement and selection is necessary. The revitalization, suspension or cancellation of inappropriate or ineffective programs must be considered.
The purpose of this policy is to implement a prioritization, revitalization and rationalization planning model to review program demand, assess program effectiveness and efficiency in meeting the needs of students and employers, ensure the quality of programs, achieve the best use of resources, demonstrate accountability for public resources and facilitate academic planning and budgeting.
The President will establish College policy and procedures to actualize and comply with this Board policy. In addition, the President will ensure the College policy and procedures will be consistent with the following:
- Supporting the strategic plan of the College
- The provision of opportunities for our students
- The Collective Agreements
- The optimization of the College's academic strengths
- The financial viability of the College
- Employer and community needs
- The need for specialization and differentiation
- Program accountability measures
The Board of Governors Programs and Services Committee will oversee this Policy and submit resulting recommendations to the Board of Governors.