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Board of Governors - PoliciesImage Added


MOTION: 2003-73

DATE APPROVED: November 27, 2003

SUPERSEDES: Issue of April, 1997

REVIEWED: May 20, 2010

AMENDED: Motion 2010-22

POLICY NO: 2-001


Part of this support to the President must be a clear set of goals that both the President and the Board agree upon, and the success indicators that sum up the quality of work and attainment of those goals over the year. Equally imperative is the provision of feedback to the President regarding the degree to which the Board judges that the goals are being met and the manner in which they are being accomplished.



  1. October - Development of the Board of Governors goals and objectives for the President for the period from April 1 to March 31. This would be done by the Executive Committee. The Committee would work with the President to prepare proposed goals and objectives for presentation to the Board for final discussion, amendment and approval. 
  2. November
    1. The Board would review the goals and objectives for the above period. It is anticipated that, if appropriate, the President and staff would utilize these goals and objectives in budget preparation. 
    2. The President will present a mid-year report on current year’s goals and receive feedback from the Board. 
  3. December - The Board would finalize and approve goals for the upcoming fiscal year. 
  4. February - The Board will establish the Evaluation Committee which shall consist of the Chair of the Board, at least one member of the Executive Committee and other Board members as determined by the goals and competencies being evaluated. 
  5. March - The Evaluation Committee would present to the Board for approval, the evaluation tools and process to be used in conducting the evaluation. It is felt that obtaining input from all of the constituent groups is not necessary every year and the appropriate group from which to obtain input will depend, at least partly, upon the particular goals and competencies of that year. It may, therefore, be appropriate to allow the Evaluation Committee some flexibility to determine from which group input in each year would be most helpful and how to best obtain such input. The Evaluation Committee should report to the Board as to its proposal for evaluation, which would include the proposed tools to be used and the proposed constituents from which input would be sought. Attempts should be made to at least obtain input from each constituent group every three years. The Evaluation Committee will also seek input from the President in its development of the proposal for evaluation. 
    1. April/May – The Evaluation Committee would conduct the evaluation, research current compensation guidelines and rates (CCAC), and prepare the evaluation report for presentation to and approval by the Board. 
    2. Early May – The President would send a report on achievement of goals per the period April-March of the previous fiscal year to the Board. 
  6. June – The President would present the report at the June in-camera meeting of the Board. The Chair of the Evaluation Committee and the Board Chair would meet with the President the week after the June Board meeting to complete the evaluation and to make appropriate contract adjustments within guidelines established by the Board