These instructions are for LTC managers to guide new hires through the process of (STEP 1) creating a Care Passport account and (STEP 2) completing their LTC orientation training micro-credentials.
Step 1: Employee Creates Care Passport Portal AccountThis guide walks employers through the steps required to have an employee register in and complete their Care Passport training micro-credentials.
Where the employer is required to communicate information to the employee, sample email text has been provided as a starting point for creating a standard communication to send to new employees at that step of the process.
For the steps where Lambton College will be sending instructions to the employee, a copy of that communication is included here for employer reference.
Click on the title of any step in the process to be taken to that section of the instructions:
Step 1: Employee Creates Care Passport Portal Account
Step 2: Employer Adds Employee to Home and Role in the Care Passport Portal
Step 3: Employee Downloads Training Requirements and Requests Approval for Self-Registration
Step 4: Employee Registers In Their Required Training Micro-Credentials
Step 5: Employee Completes Their Required Training Micro-Credentials
Step 6: What Happens When an Employee Does Not Complete Their Required Training Micro-Credentials
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As part of the orientation for your new position at [INSERT NAME OF LTC HOME] you are required to complete Care Passport orientation micro-credentials. Please be sure to complete the following steps: Step 1: Create your Care Passport portal account. You can find instructions for setting up your account at Step 2: After you create your Care Passport portal account, you will receive a confirmation email. Click the CONFIRM button in that email to make your portal account active. Step 3: Once you have confirmed your portal account, forward the confirmation email to [INSERT EMPLOYER CONTACT NAME] to let them know that they can now add you to [INSERT NAME OF LTC HOME] in the Care Passport portal. You will receive a second confirmation email once you are added to [INSERT NAME OF LTC HOME] in the portal. |
One business day after they have created their portal account (and checked the box requesting a student number), the employee will receive an email from Lambton College with their student number.
Step 1.5
The employee needs to add their Lambton College a student number), the employee will receive an email from Lambton College with their student number.
Step 1.5
The employee needs to add their Lambton College student number to their portal account.
As mentioned in Step 1.4, it takes one business day for the employee to receive their student number from Lambton College. Step 2 (Employer adds Employee to Home) and Step 3 (Employee requests approval from Employer for training) can be completed before the Employee adds their student number to their portal account. The draft email below can be used as the starting point for creating a reminder email to employees to complete this step.NOTE: If this step is missed, , but this step should be completed as soon as possible to ensure that completed micro-credentials will not be are shown in the employee’s portal account and they will appear to be non-compliant in the home’s reportsEmployee’s Care Passport portal account.
The draft email below can be used as the starting point for creating a reminder email to employees to complete this step.
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Click the link below to view draft email to instruct employees to add their student number to their portal account. If this step is missed, completed micro-credentials will not be shown in the employee’s portal account and they will appear to be non-compliant in the Home’s reports. |
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In order for your completed training micro-credentials to be reflected in the Care Passport portal, you will need to add your Lambton College student number to your Care Passport account. Your student number will have been emailed to you by Lambton College. Be sure to check your junk mail folder if you have not received this email. Follow these instructions to add your student number to your Care Passport account: Adding Your Lambton College Student Number to Your Care Passport Portal Account |
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Click the link below to see the instructions linked in the draft email above. |
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LTC homes using the Care Passport Portal have created role templates by assigning training micro-credentials that meet or exceed legislated orientation requirements.
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Once they have been added to a home, an automated confirmation email is sent to the employee. The employee must click the CONFIRM button in the confirmation email to be added to the assigned Home and Role in the portal. NOTE: If the employee did not make their portal account active in Step 1, clicking the confirm button will both activate their account and add them to the assigned home and role. role.
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Now that the employee has been added to a home and role, they will be able to download a list of the specific micro-credentials they are required to complete, and then send a request to the employer to approve them for funding for those micro-credentials. The employer supports the employee as they navigate registration for their training requirements. The employee will Download Training Requirements (Step 3) and Request Approval for Self Registration (Step 4) ; STEP 2 Register In Required Training Micro Credentials; STEP 3 Complete the Training Micro Credentialscredentials.
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The draft email below can be used as the starting point for creating a standard communication to send to new employees at this step of the process. |
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You have been added to the [INSERT ROLE NAME] role in the [INSERT LTC HOME NAME] home in the Care Passport portal. You now need to login to your Care Passport account and download the list of micro-credentials you are required to complete before starting your new position. Follow these instructions to complete this step: Using the Manage My Training Tab to Filter and Download Your Training Requirements Once you have your list of required micro-credentials, you will need to request approval to have the registration fees for those micro-credentials paid for by [INSERT EMPLOYER NAME]. You do that by submitting the Corporate Employee Care Passport Training Sponsorship form: NOTE: you will need to login to your Lambton College student account to access this form. When you are completing the Corporate Employee Care Passport Training Sponsorship form, Question 1 asks for your HR contact person’s email address. Enter [INSERT HR CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS] in this field. |
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Hello [EMPLOYEE FIRST NAME] Your employer has given approval for the Care Passport Portal micro-credentials you requested. You are ready to register for your micro-credentials free-of-charge. Please follow these instructions to register for your Care Passport micro-credentials: How to Register for Care Passport Micro-Credentials Please Note:
Before you start your micro-credentials, be sure to read these instructions: Achieving a Pass Grade in Your Micro-credentials You can track the status of your completed micro-credentials by following these instructions: Checking The Status of Your Micro-Credentials In the Care Passport Portal NOTE: Flag this email for easy reference to these instructions. Please let us know if you have any questions, The Lambton College Online Education Team |
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As noted above, one business day after the employer responds YES to the emailed approval, the employee will be able is emailed instructions on how to register themselves for their training micro-credentials on in the Care Passport Portal.
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Click the link below to see the self-registration instructions sent to the employee by Lambton College. |
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Step 4.1
Employee receives an email from Lambton College with the self-registration instructions via email from Lambton Collegelinked above.
Step 4.2
Employee registers on the Lambton College website for each of the micro-credentials they have been approved for. They will have access to their micro-credentials in D2L two hours after completing their registration.
NOTE: with the self-registration process, employees do not need to register in all their micro-credentials at the same time. It is recommended that they register for a few at a time and register for additional ones as they go, so that they do not run out of time with any of their micro-credentials.
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Step 5.1
Employee has access to their micro-credentials for 14 days from the date of registration.
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Micro-credential completions are updated at midnight each night. Completed micro-credentials are each night. Completed micro-credentials are reflected in the portal at 10am on the next business day after they are completed. If a micro-credential is completed after midnight, it will be registered as complete on midnight the following day and be reflected in the portal at 10am on the next business day after they are completed. If a micro-credential is completed after midnight, it will be registered as complete on midnight the following day and be reflected in the portal on the next business day after thatthat.
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If the employee has not entered their Lambton College student number into their portal account (see Step 1.5) their completed micro-credentials will not be shown in the employee’s portal account and they will appear to be non-compliant in the Home’s reports. |
Step 5.4
If the employee registers for a micro-credential but does not complete it in within the 14-day access period, there is no automated system to flag this for the employee or the employer. Micro-credential completions are monitored in the Care Passport portal.
If an employee has successfully completed a micro-credential but the completion is not reflected in the portal, the mostly likely cause is that the employee’s student number was not added (or was entered incorrectly) in their portal account (see Step 1.5).
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If an employee is unsuccessful in a micro-credential, they will need to register and pay for for a retake of that micro-credential.