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Good morning Professional Development Faculty!  The end of the semester is quickly approaching, which means that it will soon be time to release your final grades from D2L).  The instructions for releasing grades can be found below (please keep reading).



Final Grades are due by 4:00 pm on the Tuesday after the last day of classes. 


Ensuring Your Grades Will Be Calculated and Recorded Correctly

Before you release your final grades, you need to determine the following three things:

  1. Are Confirm whether you are using Final Calculated Gradesor Final Adjusted Grades.  (Hint: look at

    • If you’re not sure, check your Enter Grades screen

    and notice which column contains the Ø  symbol
    • . The column with the Ø symbol is the method you’re using

  2. Confirm that you are using the correct Grade Scheme for the course that you are teaching.  Most   

    • Most courses will use the

    • Lambton Grade

    • Scheme (students receive a letter grade e.g.  A+, A, B+, C).


    • If you are teaching a course

    that the students get
    • with a Pass/No Pass

    • Grade Scheme, you will need to select the appropriate grade scheme.


    • If you are teaching in the BScN program, you will use the Percentage Grade Scheme.


    • If you are unsure

    • which grade scheme you should be using, check with your Dean’s office to confirm.

    • If you need to change the grade scheme, click on Grade > Setup Wizard and follow

    all steps
    • the steps to set up the appropriate grade scheme

  3. Verify that your grades have been properly calculated.  Instructors should manually calculate the final grade of at least one student and compare it to the Final Calculated Grade determined by D2L.  If there is a difference, it must be investigated. Contact the TLC Grade display for that student in the D2L gradebook. Your grade and the grade in D2L are not the same, you need to determine why they do not match. Contact the Teaching Innovation & Learning Support Services if you need help.

Here are the steps involved to release your final grades from D2L:


 If you are releasing “Final Calculated Grades” follow these next steps (this is the most common method!!!):


If you see a notification in the Manage Grades tab that the final grade does not sum to 100%, see Does Your Gradebook Total 100% for instructions on how to fix it.

Releasing Grades

If you are releasing Final Calculated Grades follow these next steps:

titleClick Here For Final Calculated Grades Release Process
  1. Select Manage Grades

  2. Select the pull-down menu beside Final Calculated Grade, and then select "Enter Grades".

  3. Check that all students are listed on one screen

  4. Select all students that you want to release grades for

  5. Click on "Release/Unrelease" ONCE

  6. Click "Save and Close"

  7. Check that the Final Calculated Grade has been released (select Enter Grades and you should see the eyeball symbol in the Final Calculated Grades column beside each student’s grade)

 If you are releasing “Final Final Adjusted Grades” Grades follow these next steps:

titleClick Here For Final Adjusted Grades Release Process
  1. Select Manage Grades

  2. Select the pull-down menu beside Final Adjusted Grade, and then select Enter Grades.

  3. Select the pull-down menu beside "Final Grades" (at top of the page) and then select "Transfer All", and then select "Yes". (this step is often forgotten!!!)

  4. The Calculated and Adjusted grades should now match one another although the number of decimal places may differ

  5. After transferring grades, the instructor can adjust (change) the grades in the Final Adjusted Grades column

  6. After the grades have been adjusted, select all the students

  7. Click Release/Unrelease ONCE

  8. Click Save and Close

  9. Check that the Final Adjusted Grade has been released (select Enter Grades and you should see the eyeball symbol in the Final Adjusted Grades column beside each student’s grade)


Issuing Non-Standard Grades


If any of your students are receiving a non-standard grade (I, NG, or U), DO NOT select Release All when releasing your grades. Be sure to deselect any student(s) receiving a non-standard grade before you click on the Release/Unrelease Icon.

Issuing an Incomplete (I) Grade


If you need to issue an


Incomplete (


“I”) grade – this can’t be issued through D2L. The instructor will need to go to


myLambton and manually enter this in Self Service


. You should NOT release this specific student’s final grade in D2L.

Issuing a No Grade (NG)

If you need to issue an


No Grade (“NG”), the Dean’s office must issue this.  You should NOT release


this specific student’s final grade in D2L



Issuing a U Grade

If you need to issue


an Under Review (“U”) grade because you have a student involved in an Academic Dishonesty Hearing, the Academic Integrity Office must issue this.  You should NOT release this specific student’s final grade in D2L.

Issuing a Aegrotat (AG)

If you need to issue an Aegrotat (“AG”), the Dean’s office must issue this.  You should NOT release this specific student’s final grade in D2L.


For more information, see the Grade Definitions and Rules section of Policy 2000-1-4 Grades & Academic Averages.

Additional Support and Resources

Book an Appointment

If you need assistance with your D2L Gradebook, contact us in the TLC TI&LSS for help: BOOK AN APPOINTMENT


If you prefer to watch the instructional video to release final grades, Click HERE


If you would like a printout (PDF) of these instructions Click HERE



Video Instructions

This video gives a step-by-step walk-through of the instructions above.


Downloadable PDF

You can download a PDF copy of these instructions below:

View file
nameReleasing Final Grades in D2L.pdf