Info |
MOTION: 2017-53 DATE APPROVED: November 27, 2003 SUPERSEDES: Policy No 4000-2-1 REVIEWED: December 7, 2017 (changes) POLICY NO: 3-006 |
- Oversee establishment and implementation of an operational policy and procedures that are consistent with the expectations of this Board policy;
- Ensure that the operational policy and procedures are consistent with the laws and regulations governing procurement and tendering that are relevant to the College, as outlined in the BPS Procurement Directive;
- Ensure that the operational policy and procedures include:
- appropriate controls for budgeted and non-budgeted purchases;
- appropriate authorization for various levels of procurement;
- Bring to the Board, for its approval, any purchase greater than $1,000,000. Such purchases include, but are not limited to:
- a single purchase of a good or service;
- a purchase of a collection of like items (e.g. 500 computers @ $2,000 per computer);
- a commitment of the College, over a number of years, to a total expenditure that exceeds $1,000,000;
- Bring to the Board, for approval, any capital expenditures for the President’s Office greater than $5,000.
- In the case of an emergency, exceed the above limit if necessary but will immediately inform the Chair of the Board and will present the expenditure to the Board for information.
Policy Monitoring
The President will report to the Board any failure to comply with this policy immediately that it comes to the attention of the President. The President will report annually to the Board on the operation of and compliance with this policy.