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Required Readings and Resources

Baglieri, S. (2020). Toward Inclusive Education? Focusing a critical lens on universal design for learning. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), 41–74.

Berger, R. (2021, December 1). Extended commentary: Meritocracy and its discontents: Inequality in higher education. International Social Science Review, 97(4), 1m.

Bonaccio, S., Connelly, C. E., Gellatly, I. R., Jetha, A., & Martin Ginis, K. A. (2020). The participation of people with disabilities in the workplace across the employment cycle: Employer concerns and research evidence. Journal of Business & Psychology, 35(2), 135–158.

Brunette-Debassige, C. (2023). Indigenous refusals in educational leadership practices in Canadian universities. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 19(2), 377–386.

Burrage, R. L., Momper, S. L., & Gone, J. P. (2022). Beyond trauma: Decolonizing understandings of loss and healing in the Indian Residential School system of Canada. Journal of Social Issues, 78(1), 27–52.

Byrne, L., Roennfeldt, H., Davidson, L., Miller, R., & Bellamy, C. (2021). To disclose or not to disclose? Peer workers impact on a culture of safe disclosure for mental health professionals with lived experience. Psychological Services, 19(1), 9–18.

Canadian Multiculturalism Act. (1988).

Caradonna, C. Y. (2023). Tugging at the veil: Critical race methods for analyzing educational gag orders. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, 23(4), 403–412.

Collens, P., & Preez, E. du. (2023). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer concerns in professional psychology education. Waikato Journal of Education (2382-0373), 28(1), 141–154.

Dean, K. L., & Forray, J. M. (2021). Small silences: Privilege, power, and advantage as management educators. Journal of Management Education, 45(2), 163–176.

Drysdale, M. T. B., Donnovan, R., & Callaghan, S. (2022). Student mental health in higher education: Discourse on Reddit reveals contributing factors and solutions. International Journal of Health, Wellness & Society, 12(1), 54–68.

Grad, J. M., & Zande, I. S. v. d. (2022). Cultivating global citizenship through higher education: A reflection on the development from civic to global engagement. Education Sciences, 12(11), 766.

Gupta, N., Balcom, S. A., & Singh, P. (2022). Gender composition and wage gaps in the Canadian health policy research workforce in comparative perspective. Human Resources for Health, 20(1), 1–14.

FitzGerald, C., MacCormack, J., & Sider, S. (2023). Perspectives of school leaders on supporting learners with special education needs during the COVID-19 pandemic: An ethic of care analysis. Journal of School Leadership, 33(4), 409–427.

Lamoureux, K., & Katz, J. (2020). Intersectionality, indigeneity, and inclusive education: Reimagining business as usual. Exceptionality Education International, 30(2), 12–18.

Lau, V. W., Scott, V. L., Warren, M. A., & Bligh, M. C. (2023). Moving from problems to solutions: A review of gender equality interventions at work using an ecological systems approach. Journal of Organizational Behavior (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 44(2), 399–419.

Ling, L., & Shibao, G. (2022). Beyond multiculturalism: Revisioning a model of pandemic anti-racism education in post-Covid-19 Canada. International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology, 6(1).

Livingston, R. (2020). How to promote racial equity in the workplace. Harvard Business Review, 98(5), 64–72.

Lopez, A. E., & Jean-Marie, G. (2021). Challenging anti-black racism in everyday teaching, learning, and leading: From theory to practice. Journal of School Leadership, 31(1/2), 50–65.

Lorenzetti, L., Mancey, A., Walsh, C. A., & Lantion, V. (2023). Immigrant men and racism in Canada: Impacts on well-being and family wellness. Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal, 55(1), 1.

Martino, W. (2022). Supporting transgender students and gender-expansive education in schools: Investigating policy, pedagogy, and curricular implications. Teachers College Record, 124(8), 3–16.

McIntosh, P. (1989). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack. Peace and Freedom, July/August.

Mercier-Dalphond, G., & Helly, D. (2021). Anti-Muslim violence, hate crime, and victimization in Canada: A study of five Canadian cities. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 53(1), N.PAG.

Milne, E., & Wotherspoon, T. (2020). Schools as “really dangerous places” for indigenous children and youth: Schools, child welfare, and contemporary challenges to reconciliation. Canadian Review of Sociology, 57(1), 34–52.

Papp, T. A., & Cottrell, M. (2021). Teacher professional learning, culturally responsive/sustaining practices, and indigenous students’ success: A comparative case-study of New Zealand and Saskatchewan, Canada. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 67(2), 105–128.

Pillay, T., & Karsgaard, C. (2023). Global citizenship education as a project for decoloniality. Education, Citizenship & Social Justice, 18(2), 214–229.

Pullen, A., Rhodes, C., McEwen, C., & Liu, H. (2021). Radical politics, intersectionality and leadership for diversity in organizations. [Leadership for diversity in organizations] Management Decision, 59(11), 2553-2566.

Reay, D. (2020). The perils and penalties of meritocracy: Sanctioning inequalities and legitimating prejudice. Political Quarterly, 91(2), 405–412.

Ridings, A. (2020). Removing barriers to LGBTQ student safety and achievement. State Education Standard, 20(2), 37–41.

Shah, V., Aoudeh, N., Cuglievan-Mindreau, G., & Flessa, J. (2023). Tempering applied critical leadership: The im/possibilities of leading for racial justice in school districts. Educational Administration Quarterly, 59(1), 179–217.

Showunmi, V. (2020). The importance of intersectionality in higher education and educational leadership research. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership Studies, 1(1), 46–63.

Soria, K. M. (2021). The social class barriers to engagement in leadership experiences. New Directions for Student Leadership, (169), 33–41.

Stegenga, S. M., Sinclair, J., Knowles, C., Storie, S. O., & Seeley, J. R. (2021). Lived experiences of mental health in higher education: A comparative analysis of determinants to supports and services. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

Thangaraj, S. I. (2021). Racing the Muslim: Strategies for Teaching race and ethnic studies in the education curriculum. Urban Education, 56(7), 1042–1066.

Thompson, E., & Harris, J. (2022). Challenges to inclusivity: An Investigation of transgender policy implementation at a suburban high school. Journal for Leadership and Instruction, 21(2), 28–32.

Thoroughgood, C. N., Sawyer, K. B., & Webster, J. R. (2020). Creating a Trans-inclusive workplace. Harvard Business Review, 98(2), 114–123.

Trilokekar, R., & El Masri, A. (2020). Internationalizing teachers’ preparedness: The missing link in Ontario’s strategy for k-12 international education? Canadian Journal of Education, 43(1), 170–196.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015). Calls to action.

Tummala-Narra, P. (2020). The fear of immigrants. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 37(1), 50–61.

Yılmaz, E., & Bağçe, S. (2022). Social identity and economic inequalities. Social Identities, 28(3), 400–416.

Vural, K., & Konakli, T. (2022). Social justice based teacher practices: Leadership roles, problems, and proposed solutions. International Journal of Educational Reform, 31(4), 378–396.


FGCU Housing. (2021, January 11). Social identities and the Big 8 [Video]. YouTube.


Garza, A., Cullors, P., & Tometi, O. (2013, October). An interview with the founders of Black Lives Matter [Video]. TED Conferences.

Historica Canada. (2020, March 2). Residential schools in Canada: A timeline [Video]. YouTube.


Liu, E. (2014, November). How to understand power [Video]. TED Conferences.

National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). (2018, June 22). Kimberlé Crenshaw: What is intersectionality? [Video]. YouTube.


Practical Psychology. (2021, January 18). Social Identity Theory - Definition + 3 components [Video]. YouTube.


Xenophrenia. (2013, August 3). Allan Johnson: Privilege, Power and Difference 2nd Interview [Video]. YouTube.


Recommended Resources

YU Faculty of Education APA 7th

Optional Materials

Abawia, Z., & Eizadirad, A. (2020). Bias-free or biased hiring? Racialized teachers' perspectives on educational hiring practices in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 18-31.

Abu-Laban, Y., Tungohan, E., Gabriel, C., Dobrowolsky, I. D. W. A., Fernando, S., Guo, S., Perry, J. A., & Zhyznomirska, L. (2023). Symposium on containing diversity: Canada and the politics of immigration in the 21st century (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2023). Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal, 55(1), 125.

Agosto, V., & Roland, E. (2018). Intersectionality and educational leadership: A critical review. Review of Research in Education, 42(1), 255–285.

Auh, Y., & Sim, H. R. (2018). Global justice and education for global citizenship: Considerations for education policy-planning process. Asian Journal of Political Science, 26(2), 221–237.

Bingham, C., & Jackson, L. (2021). Toward an affective critique of educational meritocracy. Journal of Thought, 21-36.

Beard, K. V., Julion, W., & Waite, R. (2020). Racism and the diversity policy paradox: Implications for nurse leaders. Nursing Economics, 38(4), 176-178.

Boliver, V., & Powell, M. (2023). Rethinking merit? The development of more progressive approaches to university admissions in England. Widening Participation & Lifelong Learning, 24(3), 33–55.

Byrd, C. M. (2021). Cycles of development in learning about identities, diversity, and equity. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advance Online Publication.

Campbell, C. (2020) Educational equity in Canada: The case of Ontario’s strategies and actions to advance excellence and equity for students. School Leadership & Management, 1 -20.

Centennial College. (n.d). Our Stories, Indian Residential Schools. Open Library, Pressbooks.

Crenshaw, K. (1993). Mapping the margins: Intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of colour. Stanford Law Review, (43), 1241–1299.

Diversity Institute. (2020). Diversity leads, diverse representation in leadership: A review of eight Canadian cities.

Fuller, K. (2018). New lands, new languages: Navigating intersectionality in school leadership. Frontiers in Education, 3.

Genao, S., & Mercedes, Y. (2021). All we need is one mic: A call for anti-racist solidarity to deconstruct anti-black racism in educational leadership. Journal of School Leadership, 31(1-2), 127–141.

Glazzard, J. (2019). A whole-school approach to supporting children and young people’s mental health. Journal of Public Mental Health, 18(4), 256–265.

Gloor, J. L., Morf, M., Paustian-Underdahl, S., & Backes-Gellner, U. (2020). Fix the game, not the dame: Restoring equity in leadership evaluations. Journal of Business Ethics, 161(3), 497–511.

Hamm, L., Maston, M., McLoughlin, J., & Smith, J. (2021). Educators Responding to rapid demographic change in New Brunswick: “It is not inclusion if they are just sitting in the desk.” Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 67(2), 178–201.

Henneborn. L. (2021). Make it safer for employees to disclose their disabilities. Harvard Business Review.

Hyunjung Shin, & Sterzuk, A. (2019). Discourses, practices, and realities of multilingualism in higher education. TESL Canada Journal / Revue TESL Du Canada, 36(1), 147–159.

Increasing Awareness: Language, communication strategies, and universally designed environments. (2013). ASHE Higher Education Report, 39(5), 85–99.

Junior, N. (2014, September 19). He. She. Zhe. Inside Higher Ed.

Lardier, D. T., Herr, K. G., Barrios, V. R., Garcia-Reid, P., & Reid, R. J. (2019). Merit in meritocracy: Uncovering the myth of exceptionality and self-reliance through the voices of urban youth of color. Education & Urban Society, 51(4), 474–500.,sso&db=eric&AN=EJ1211162&site=eds-live&custid=s7439054

Little, D., Green, D. A., & Felten, P. (2019). Identity, intersectionality, and educational development. New Directions for Teaching & Learning, (158), 11–23.

Lyle, E. (2014). [Re]considering the workplace: Teaching and learning for critical consciousness. Journal of Workplace Rights, 17(3/4), 367-381.

Maylor, U., Roberts, L., Linton, K., & Arday, J. (2021). Race and educational leadership: The influence of research methods and critical theorising in understanding representation, roles and ethnic disparities. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 49(4), 553–564.

Martínez, M. M., Molina-López, M. M., & de Cabo, R. M. (2020). Explaining the gender gap in school principalship: A tale of two sides. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 1.

Momani, B., Dreher, E., & Williams, K. (2019). More than a pipeline problem: Evaluating the gender pay gap in Canadian academia from 1996 to 2016. The Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 49(1), 1–21.

Newman, C., Nayebare, A., Gacko, N., Okello, P., Gueye, A., Bijou, S., Ba, S., Gaye, S., Coumba, N., Gueye, B., Dial, Y., & N’doye, M. (2023). Systemic structural gender discrimination and inequality in the health workforce: Theoretical lenses for gender analysis, multi-country evidence and implications for implementation and HRH policy. Human Resources for Health, 21(1), 1–12.

Nicol, S. (2022). Gender budgeting: The economic and fiscal rationale. OECD Journal on Budgeting, 22(3), 1–16.

OHRC. (2014). Policy on preventing discrimination because of gender identity and gender expression. Ontario Human Rights Commission.

Parkhouse, H., Lu, C. Y., & Massaro, V. R. (2019). Multicultural education professional development: A review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 89(3), 416–458.

Pidgeon, M. (2016). More than just a checklist. Social Inclusion 4(1), 77–91.

Plank, K. M. (2019). Intersections of identity and power in educational development. New Directions for Teaching & Learning, (159), 85–96.

Project Implicit. (2021). Implicit Association Test.

Stein, S. (2018). National exceptionalism in the ‘EduCanada’ brand: Unpacking the ethics of internationalization marketing in Canada. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 39(3), 461–477.

Sue, D. W., Alsaidi, S., Awad, M. N., Glaeser, E., Calle, C. Z., & Mendez, N. (2019). Disarming racial microaggressions: Microintervention strategies for targets, White allies, and bystanders. American Psychologist, 74(1), 128-142.,sso&db=pdh&AN=2019-01033-011&site=eds-live&custid=s7439054

Tamtik, M., & Guenter, M. (2019). Policy analysis of equity, diversity and inclusion strategies in Canadian universities – how far have we come? The Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 49(3), 41-56.

Taylor, A.B., Chan, A., Hall, S.L., Saewyc, E. M., & the Canadian Trans & Non-binary Youth Health Survey Research Group. (2020). Being safe, being me 2019: Results of the Canadian trans and non-binary youth health survey. Vancouver, Canada: Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre, University of British Columbia.

Theoharis, G., & Scanlan, M. (Eds.). (2021). Leadership for increasingly diverse schools (2nd ed.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Teelucksingh, C. (2018). Dismantling white privilege. Kalfou, 5(2), 304.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015). Honouring the truth, reconciling for the future: Summary of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

Turner, E. O., & Mangual Figueroa, A. (2019). Immigration policy and education in lived reality: A framework for researchers and educators. Educational Researcher, 48(8), 549–557.,sso&db=ehh&AN=139507376&site=eds-live&custid=s7439054

Tuters, S., & Portelli, J. (2017). Ontario school principals and diversity: Are they prepared to lead for equity? International Journal of Educational Management, 31(5), 598–611.

Vaughan, W. (2019). Preparing culturally responsive educators in the 21st century: White Pre-service teachers identification of unearned privileges. Georgia Educational Researcher, 16(2).

Wang, F. (2018). Social justice leadership—theory and practice: A case of Ontario. Educational Administration Quarterly, 54(3), 470–498.

Wilson, L. (2023). The role of intersectionality in the workplace to promote inclusion for all. Leadership Excellence, 40(4), 37–38.

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