Login to your Care Passport account.
Select the Manage My Training tab to see the status of your Care Passport training micro-credentials. If you are employed at more than one Home or assigned to more than one Role, you can use the filters shown below to display your status for a specific Home and/or Role. If you do not select any filters, all of your micro-credentials will be displayed.
You can scroll through the list of your micro-credentials and view the status for each one. If the Status column is empty, it means you have not successfully completed that micro-credential.
For any micro-credential that has been successfully completed the Status column will say Validated. If the Valid For column is empty, that micro-credential does not have an expiry date. For micro-credentials that do have an expiry date, the Valid For column will indicate how many years they are valid for. If you have completed a micro-credential that has an expiry date, the Expiry Date column will tell you the date after which it will no longer be valid.