Only those members as defined in (a) will have voting membership on the committee.
2.2 The Board of Governors appoints all PAC members as defined in 2.1 (a). PAC members unable to attend a particular meeting may send a designate to represent them.
2.3 The PAC members defined in 2.1 (a) shall be appointed for a term not to exceed three years, which will normally commence on September 1st of the year in which they were appointed. The three-year term is renewable one time only. There may be exceptions to the six year appointment if no replacement members are available. When a new PAC is formed, the first members shall commence their respective terms upon their appointment and their terms shall expire on August 31st date within the following three years of their appointment in rotation. Any vacancy occurring during the term of a member will be filled on a recommendation of the Program and Services Committee of the Lambton College Board of Governors and appointment by the Board.
3. Meetings
3.1 PACs shall meet a minimum of two times per year, preferably, one in each post-secondary term. The PAC will determine the need for more meetings.